Chapter 15

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         Lucri's POV 

    I can't believe my sister is so stupid! She tossed the conduction in the ocean like nothing bad is going to happen! "Livi! Why did you do that?!" "I'm sorry! I didn't know that it was going to be bad! But hey at least it didn't explode the ocean or anything," that was when we heard a big explosion coming from the water, I turned to her "Okay maybe just a little bit," I glared at her, I know I don't usually act mean to anyone but if they touch my conduction or my inventions I am going to yell and strangle them, as I was about to strangle Livi I saw that she was staring at something in the ocean, something big and it looked like it was growing bigger and bigger every second until it reached 30 feet, but what could it be? What animal could reach that size? "It's a shark," Livi whispered as if answering my question "Oh no," "What?" "Jax and Dora are still down there, we have to save them!" "Sure fine, but let's just see how they're doing when they realize there is a 30 foot shark in the water," I gulped but I have to admit I am curious on how they will do, so I have to watch them, if they are in trouble I could just swim in and save them...right?

      Dora's POV

        The water is so nice and fish and other creatures are swimming around with me and Jax, there is a dolphin, some fish, a shark, and a large shark- wait what?! I looked up and indeed there is a large shark, I need to warn Jax, I signalled (sorry if I spelled that wrong) Jax to swim up to breath air at first she looked confused but she swam up anyway "What's wrong?" "I think I just saw a large shark-it might be the Megalodon!" she just stared and laughed (it kind of hurt) "Does stories are just myths, Dora," "Then w-what's that?!" I pointed to do large shark, it looked like it was 30 feet tall and Jax gasped "Okay...MAYBE YOUR'E RIGHT! I THINK IT IS THE MEG!" I forced myself not to scream and give us away "Come on Jax, it can't see or hear us...yet anyway," I whispered but then told Jax to follow my lead, I swam slowly but fast in the water and heading for the nearest area of the beach. We finally managed to get there-alive somehow and that was when we realized the worst "Where are the others?" "Um...maybe they're west, south, north, east, northwest, here, there, oh I don't know! I am not good at directions, Dora!" "But you literally drove a truck around a farm!" "I wasn't allowed outside of the farm, so I don't know my directions yet!" don't panic, don't panic, I AM PANICKING! OW! (she slapped herself) Okay deep breaths Dora deep breaths, I calmed down (obviously why would you think I'm panicking a lot?) "Come on let's search," "No need, I think I see them," Jax pointed to a small hill up the beach and I saw...THE RAINBOW SQUAD! Yes! "Wow, good eye!" "Thanks I didn't think my eyes were that strong," Jax looked really flushed (not because she likes Dora but because she's embarrassed that Dora is gushing for her) it can't be that hard to climb a giant hill can it?

      9 Hours Later...

   UGH it was so hard! I had rocks and dust flown into my face and eyes because Jax keeps on scraping the hill (sorry Jax!) But at least we made it up and when we did this is what we heard "I don't see them! I think it's time to save them, Livi," "Nah they're fine," "What makes you think that?!" "Because since we don't see them then that means that they're already eaten alive!" "Well I would cut open the shark's belly to find out," "Well then why don't you?!" PUSH "AHHHHHHHHHHH," did she just pushed her own sister into the water with a shark?! "LIVI WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?!" "Oh hey guys, didn't see you there I thought you were eaten alive by that shark," "WELL WE MANAGED TO SURVIVE BUT IT LOOKS LIKE LUCRI DIDN'T BECAUSE YOU PUSHED HER OFF OF A FRICKING CLIFF!" "Well...IT WASN'T MY FAULT SHE WAS ACTING SO ANNOYING AND ALWAYS TALKING BACK AT ME! I MEAN YOU SHOULD SEE WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE I PUSHED HER OFF THE CLIFF!" "Um guys," said Jax "Not now Jax! I just can't believe that you are so heartless to push her off like that! You should be ashamed of yourself!" "Guys!" "Well I wished that you were never-" BOOOM, we all looked at the ocean and it was the color red "I was trying to tell you guys that the shark looked like it was going to explode," muttered Jax, we all gasped at it in shock when we realized Lucri might be died "Oh no! Lucri died!" I said "Boohoo boohoo, fake tears, she was like a sister to me!" that made Livi looked mad at her (I guess she didn't want anyone to steal her sister) and that made me feel a stab of jealousy, why am I feeling jealous?! Is it because I want Jax to think that I am like her sister too? But that was when I noticed that Livi didn't say anything "Um, Livi are you going to say something sad about your sister?" however as much as I tried to say something to her she was just looking out at the ocean "LIVI!" "Huh? What?" "Aren't you going to say a happy memory about Lucri or something?!" "Oh was such a good memory I cherished the time she slapped and electrocuted me with a fly swatter...yeah I don't think that's a good memory, sorry I don't have any," "*Pant* I *pant* am *pant* *pant* here!" said a familiar voice, it was Lucri! "Lucri! We thought you died!" "Well luckily I didn't!" "How did you survive the explosion?!" "I was actually the one who caused the explosion," Livi suddenly slapped her face "I should've suspected something was up when you grabbed your exploding purse," "Well I think we can pack and go home now," suddenly when I turned to grab my stuff I saw that Jax was starting to turn red, really really red! "Um Jax are you okay?" I could see that she was trying to say something but then as soon as she tried to speak but she managed to say "I-I am o...okay," but then her whole body turned red (I saw that her arms and legs turned red) and she fell "JAX?! ARE YOU OKAY?! YOU'RE FREAKING ME OUT!" but she didn't say anything she just laid there, not moving. I grabbed her but it burns to but I fought the pain and grabbed her into the car "There you are Dora-is Jax okay?!" asked Lucri "You need to examine her,". 

     We finally ran to Lucri's room and Jax is still unconscious but when Lucri examined her she was shocked "Dora! Jax is-" 

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