Chapter 27

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       Alex's POV

   "AHHHHH!" I fell from the sky to a very green and mother-nature loved kingdom (at least I think so since everything looked overgrown, green, and healthy but besides that I am going to face a my death by falling from the sky, goodbye cruel but beautiful world I will always remember you- I felt like I had been snatched from the sky and softly put down "I thought I was going to die! Who broke my fall?" I turned around to see fifteen (I think there are fifteen) people on a white wyvern that roared at me "AHHHH!" "Alex did you loose your memory or something? Because it's just us," said a pink-haired male "W-who are you people? And-d why are y-you not afraid of that...that...that dragon!?" it snarled at me "Watch what you're saying," it warned "Who are you?" it blinked "You really don't know do you?" I shook my head, I didn't know who this is why would I know? Suddenly the dragon started glowing white and then black and it turned into a human? How is that possible? "Your name is Idiot and you are the leader of the Idiot Squad," "Hey!" said ten other people and she snickered "Jokes on you because the squad you belong in has our DNA in it so hah!" said a black-haired hair "CAN SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME WHO ARE YOU AND WHO AM I?!" a white haired girl with a sunflower clip in her hair smiled and came up to me "Your Alex, The Squad's leader," I blinked in surprise. I am a leader of a squad?! How did I get so important?! "I think you got the wrong person," but that does sound familiar for some reason-that's right I am Alex Teran and I am the leader of the Squad "I remember now! Thanks Lucri!" "Your welcome," "So Jade since this is your kingdom lead the way," Drake said with a bow "I will," she starting skipping towards a greenhouse and opened the door "Aunt Green! We have visitors!" an old lady with thick glasses came out of the house but as soon as she saw Jade she arranged her glasses as if she doesn't believe her eyes, suddenly a warm welcoming smile spread across her face "Jade! It's you! You haven't visited me for so long!" "I am sorry Aunty, things got very crazy and hectic in the over-world," "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOUR EARS?! YOU LOOK LIKE AN ELF!" screamed Livi, what does she mean? There ears look normal- oh god they do look like elves and so does Jade! "Jade what happened to your ears?!" panicked Drake "My ears look like this when I go to my kingdom," suddenly a streak of green coloring went on her hair "Nice hair dye," teased Jaxx, I guess he saw it happening, she glared at him playfully "You know what happens when you get that," she said and tackled Jaxx (Sora turned very red) "Guys cut it out!" he accidentally yelled and they looked at him in shock "Sora? What's wrong?" "Nothing-nothing at all," Jaxx looked like he was disappointed in himself  "I'll make up for it soon," he muttered-whispered "Are you guys blind or something? There was a dragon that came into your kingdom!" while Livi was yelling at Jade's aunty the aunty was busy making something, perhaps blueberry pie "Yes I did see a dragon come in here in fact I saw two but in the Malachite Kingdom we allow anyone and everything in peaceful or not," she replied firmly "You guys are crazy then they might burn them your pathetic forest and houses," Jade looked at Livi as if to say "Don't embarrass me in front of my aunt," look but I guess Livi thought she was trying to challenge her or something because she just literally growled at Jade "Girls no fighting! This kingdom needs peace not war," "You are safe for another day make sure you appreciate it, Jade," she threatened and walked away "Livi come back! Don't run away again!" Lucri went after her while I waiting in the house with a question "Why is Livi so hostile?" I think I should talk to her about it, maybe I can find the answers. 

     Trying To Find Lucri And Livi 

      "Hello? Livi! Lucri!" "Over here Alex," answered Lucri, finally I don't have to be stuck in a forest alone anymore! "We have to get out of the Malachite Kingdom," said Livi "What-why?" I asked I thought we were here to take the orb not try to run away "The Malachite Kingdom even though it seems peaceful they want vengeance," "What? What makes you think that?" "Because I before I left Jade's Aunt's house I saw something hidden but out in plain sight," "What is it?" "A sign that says 'Be Rid Of All Kingdoms! Malachite Must Stay!'," I shivered "Okay that does sound scary but what if it's only to ward off evil spirits to not attack their houses?" they both looked at me and it was obvious why "Okay I guess that's true, why in the world would they do that," I sighed "But there was something else that caught my eye," "What is it?" I asked Lucri "This flyer I saw when I ran to find Livi," she handed me something that looks like an invitation to a competition. It said:

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