Chapter 22

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      Levi's POV

     We are here in the Obsidian Kingdom everything here is dark, dingy, corrupted, dead, very hot, and flowing with dark magic but besides that we need the lava for the dragon before it turns into an ice dragon "Well we better get moving if we want to save the dragon," I said, everyone walked into the forest while Lucri and Livi trudged by "What's wrong?" I asked them "Oh nothing-" "Our parents died to the Obsidian and Crystal Kingdom," Lucri answered "Oh, I am sorry about that," "Don't worry we're over it, kind of..." whispered Livi I know how that feels...I can't talk about it now! I need to think and plan on how to heal the dragon "So you know the Obsidian Kingdom well?" I asked Livi "Well, no but Lucri does," that doesn't make sense "I thought you were from the Obsidian Kingdom," I said while walking into the dark forest "No! I am not from the Obsidian Kingdom instead I am from the Crystal Kingdom," "WHAT?!" everyone shouted "Why is it always so surprising?" "Because you're dark and Lucri's white how-HOW DOES THIS ALL MAKE SENSE?!" "Well you mother is from the Crystal Kingdom and my father is from the Obsidian Kingdom I was supposed to be in the Obsidian Kingdom and Lucri was supposed to be in the Crystal Kingdom but since our parents are from different kingdoms we ended up swapping kingdoms, and that is when our parents got...killed by their own kingdoms," Lucri got teary eyed and Livi comforted her "It's okay, they're gone now," "We have to focus on our mission," said Lucri and went into the forest "I think we should follow the dragons, they know where the volcanoes are," said Livi getting up. We adventured deeper and deeper into the forest when suddenly..."Look," Dora pointed up and there were dozens of obsidian dragons flying in the sky "Woah!" I said but then turned to my dragon that was turning white "We need to follow them!" "They look like they're heading...north! The Northern Volcano! Of course! It's the most hottest volcano in Obsidian Kingdom,  that's why most dragons like it there not only is it the most hottest but it's also the most biggest," well that explains everything why dragons are always in a rush "Um did anyone pack a map?" "No why?" "Because I think we're lost," said Alex, she's right we are lost "Don't panic I am sure we can find our way out-" I looked over and saw that everyone was gone "Great, I guess I have to try to find everyone," well enough thinking I need to find the others, now if I am Lucri where would I be? I took a turn and another and another and another when I heard the sound of rustling, oh no it's a wild animal! I have no weapons on me right now but I guess I have to face it, I got ready and ran to the sound but when I got there there was Lucri fixing something "Add a little bit of this and a little bit of that..." "Um Lucri," "Hold up I need to find the others and if I use a tracker pad on all of them and it's placed right then-Levi! There you are! Okay I found one now I need to find the others...updating computer...found 1/11 of The Squad members, no not Rainbow Squad...okay done!" what is she doing? "Lucri what are you doing? You are supposed to be looking and searching for the others not programming a...whatever it is that you're making!" she got up "Sorry, I was just trying to make a program a device to search for the others," "Oh okay? Anyway have you seen where the others went?" "No I haven't-well some people were with me but after I programmed the device and looked up again everyone's gone," I facepalmed myself "Let me get this straight you were busy programming a device and just noticed that everyone was gone?" she nodded her head "Ughhh!" "Don't worry thanks to this device I know where everyone else is now," "You do?" "Yes," "Okay so where is um...Luca?" "To find Luca you have to head that way turn left right right left and left right again then that's where you're going to find him," okay is this actually real? There's no way it works, I am not going to believe this one bit! "Why don't you come with me so that I don't forget the directions?" Lucri looked confused "Uhh sure thing," let's see if you got us even more lost or you found him, I highly doubted that you found him though.

    15 hours later...

  "Hi Levi," "What the-" "Hi Luca," she actually found him what the hay! With this machine we can find anyone, looks like finding people is not going to be that bad after all. "Interesting," muttered Lucri "What?" "Everyone has gathered in the same place," that is weird..."Where is that place?" "The center of the forest," "So we go there," she shook her head "Don't you want to see everyone?" "I do but I just don't think that's them, I've seen this before and I always get tricked by it but not anymore!" "Lucri I think you're crazy, it's obviously them why else would the tracker say that?" "Maybe it malfunctioned, and how did they know how to get into the center of the forest? Only Livi and I knows," "Livi could tell them," "When she's far away from them? That is not possible!" that is true but why would the tracker lie to us then if Lucri programmed it? "Do you know how to use your device?" "I do," she nodded I guess that means it's official "Maybe we should go to them," "I got a better idea, what if we use the dragon to fly to the volcano? We know that it's north," "And leave everyone here?" "We could always go back," "Fine let's go with your idea then," I was obviously lying but we can't just leave the others like that! It's too cruel! "You go to the dragon I'll find my way out of this forest," "Make sure you grab the tracker with you," I nodded and she flew off "Okay it looks like everyone is still in the same place-" "OOF! Watch it B-oh hello Levi," it was just Lavender "Lavender hi, wait if you're there then whose-" I looked back at the device and sure enough Lavender's tracker hadn't moved at all, this thing must be busted or something...the other explanation is that that person that just took off with my dragon and left me this device is not Lucri but how did she find Luca? I have to get to the bottom of this! And fast "Lavender do you know where the others are?" "Yes I do," "Where are they?" "They are already at the Northern Volcano waiting for you why?" I get it now, that person that just flew on my dragon wasn't Lucri and Luca is not with me, my dragon didn't even flew away with a rider at all it's still here "Lavender what is this forest's name?" "This is a Hallucination Forest why?" "Because I think I've seen some hallucinations," she shrugged "Let's go," I followed her and she lead me away but as soon as I got out the device I was holding was gone and everyone was staring at me "What took you so long?" asked Lucri (the real one) "I had a lot of hallucinations," Livi rolled her eyes "Oh well the good news is that you're here now let's heal this dragon already," we lead the dragon (whose body was almost entirely covered in white) "Here you go," Livi pushed the dragon in and it's white scales became black again "It turned black again!" "Now what do we do? Return back to class?" "No, I have a better idea, and I think that Lucri knows what I am thinking," said Livi "I do? Oh wait yeah I do! We should travel to every kingdom and get the power gem," (this might sound like Thanos XD) "Power gems?" what are those and what do they do? "There is a power gem for each kingdom and the purpose of the gem is to store and take care of all of the kingdom's power," "Why should we steal them?" "Because if we combine all of the power gems we will all have well, powers um it only happens for the people who do belong in a kingdom," "Wait some of us belong in a kingdom?!" "Make that most of us," said Dora "There are eight kingdom and if we take the power gem of a kingdom then that kingdom will be normal it's just that the kingdom will have less powers," "Then we'll feel terrible when that happens," "We will have power that will stop the Pillagers from attacking our country," said Livi "We need that power," should I accept or should I decline? "I accept," she smiled "Good, because if you didn't I'll make you," "So where are we going to find the power gem of this kingdom?" asked Jax (Rainbow Squad) "Let's go back to history," said Lucri "One day the Ice and Fire kingdom were at war, things got really bad and the Ice and Fire princes have to do one thing to defend their kingdom, they made an orb by combining their own powers with one another and have disappeared while the orb stayed but people have been trying to have authority over the orb when it's one purpose was to provide power and defend the two kingdoms but it provided chaos instead, when one night a Obsidian Kingdom scout has attacked and took the orb and turned it into it's dark power, with the orb gone no one fought with each other again," "Wow," I said but when I turned I saw that Jaxx (The Squad) was holding his head as if he had a headache and Sora was grabbing his own arm with his arm "You guys okay?" "Yes we just had a dream like that story that Lucri told," said Jaxx "I mean it felt do real but it can't be true because that means that me and Jaxx are the princes," said Sora, what do they mean? "Tell your dream to us," "So it was all like that story except that we didn't see what the people's faces were, only that me and Jaxx are princes," he said, that means-no that's ridiculous! There's no way they're the princes. Or are they? No, they are not! And that's final. "I think I know where the orb might be," Lucri said suddenly "Where?" "The castle, what is the most safest place but the kingdom?" "Of course it's there," "Um we might have a problem," "What is it now, Livi?" I asked "Lucri is supposed to be the princess but since there's already a queen that means that Lucri is the rival princess," she explained, oh that is a problem. "So what are we going to do?" "Hide the fact that Lucri is a princess so that the queen won't kill her, and also that is not going to be that hard because look," Livi suddenly pointed to Lucri at first I didn't see anything wrong but when I looked at her hair I saw that there was a black streak in her hair "That streak-what does that mean?" "Calm down Levi, it only means that she belongs in the Obsidian Kingdom," "Phew, okay," so this is the plan: we need to sneak in the palace and steal-I mean borrow the orb but if anyone caught us then we can say that we have a Obsidian citizen with us and we are not afraid to torture or kill her. I think this plan is horrible but it has to work, or else what else will work? Right? It won't work will it?

          Lucri's POV

   I can't believe we're doing this. But we need to for the power! We were already in castle grounds so there's no turning back now "Where is the orb?" "I think it's in the queen's treasure," "Okay," if I was the queen I think I'll like my treasure to be underground so we need to find a trapdoor or something-wait! Okay I have good news and bad news! Which one do you want to hear first? What was that? You said you want to hear the good news? Well okay, the good news is that I found the trapdoor to the treasure and the bad news is that there's a guard guarding it not only that but it's the most highly trained security guard (I know that because he seems really skilled playing with his weapon) how are we going to go pass him? I got an idea, "Pst, Livi Livi!," "What?!" "I got an idea on how to sneak into the treasure but in order for this plan to work you need to corporate with Lavender," "But you that-Ughh! Fine just tell me the plan!" "Okay," I whispered it to her "Okay, this plan is so stupid that it might work!" "Thanks? I guess, anyway let's put this plan to...ACTION!" I whisper-shouted. Lavender (I also quickly explained it to her) and Livi got some pointy sticks that look like swords and pretended to fight with each other in front of the guard "Haha! Me hearty! You shall steal me rock collections but thy shall not take me alive!" said Livi "Muhahahaha! Challenge accepted! Scoundrel!" they kept this up for so long that the guard ended up reacting "Hey! you little children are supposed to be off the palace grounds! Follow the rules will you!?" "What was that Scurvy Dog? We are welcome in the seas of the Caribbean forever?! Why thank you Scurvy Dog!" "Wait what-that's not what I said! You know what?! You kids don't seem like you want to be spared! That's okay because I am going to kill you or disobeying orders from the queen!" he ran after them while they were laughing "Okay go now!" I said and we went into the trapdoor "Wow this place is-I've never imagined that the treasure of the Obsidian Kingdom is down here," "Great now while Lavender and Livi are holding off the guard let's try to search and find the treasure," said Alex, great idea but we have to also look out because putting the treasure in this room out in the open is not what the Obsidian Kingdom is known for "Be careful guys, there might be some traps in this room-" "Ahhh!" screamed Jade as she almost got her feet inside of a bear trap "I think I found a trap," she said "Guys remember to concentrate! We are trying to find an orb-" Levi pointed at something glistening, shiny, and it's "Levi that's a blue rounded diamond not the orb!" "I am sorry! I don't know what the orb even looks like," "It's black has stormy and dark auras around it," "Uhm Lucri-" "I am sick of you trying to take my brother away like you own him or something!" "Well! i wasn't trying to take him away he just wanted to hang out with me! Why do you have to be such protective brother!" "You don't know how hard it is to do that!" "I think I know full well!" "Guys!" "What?!" everyone turned and saw that Luca was standing near the orb "I think I found it," there was a long silence "Great then let's get it and go home!" said Alex she went to grab the orb "ALEX WAIT!" but as soon as Alex's fingers touched the orb "Intruder! Intruder! Intruder!" Alex looked startled and I was too until I came to my senses "Alex quick! Grab the gem and let's get out of here!" she nodded and grabbed it and ran away with everyone else. Suddenly there was the sound of foot steps rushing in "Guards get them!" Oh no! We have to get out of here but what about Livi and Lavender? I think they'll be fine Azuri is always watching them anyway. We found the exit where Livi and Lavender were surprising waiting for us "What took you so long? We were waiting for almost eternity!" "No time to be dramatic about it! The guards are after us!" "And so they are," said Lavender "We gotta get out of here then! Let's use our mounts to get away and into the Crystal Kingdom we go," "Why the Crystal Kingdom?" asked Light "Because it's the nearest kingdom," we found our mounts and got away but before that happened a guard sent word to the queen and she was now trying to hunt me down now that she knows what I look like. That doesn't matter I have to stay focus on trying to get the next orb "I can't believe we got away like that! Crystal Kingdom here we come!" said Livi while speeding in front of us with her black horse. At least we are all safe and sound.

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