Chapter 30

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         Levi's POV

        Lucri went out of a room with a big, black box "Guys look what I invented!" she opened the box to reveal "Medallions?" I asked and she looked at me with a long stare "No silly! Why would there be dragon symbols on them?" I looked at her, there's no way she made these medallions to help us transform into a dragon but she said yes as if she was reading my mind "They help you transform into a dragon and look! I even made you all dragon medallions!" "Cool can I have one?" I asked but Lucri swiped the medallions away "They are not finished yet," but when she walked away I managed to grab one away from her. And went to the backyard.

      I am here at the backyard and I studied it for a very long time, do I put it on? I mean I think it's mine since it is black but Livi is black as well. I shrugged, if there are two of us then that means that there are two medallions that are black so it wouldn't hurt if I claimed this one. I put it on but what I didn't know was that the symbol in this medallion wasn't a dragon it was a Phoenix. After I put it on I felt like I was burning in the sun and then when I thought about fire I suddenly turned into a Phoenix. At first I was puzzled wasn't I supposed to turn into a dragon not a Phoenix? But after some time I started panicking and wondering how I'll turn into a human again and that was when the worst happened. "Okay...yeah I way!" I remembered that voice that voice is the voice of a person who hates me. It was Livi, what do I do? Do I try to communicate to her or do I just stay here? "Squak Squak SQUAKKKK!" I screamed and Livi looked up "WHAT THE?! WHAT ARE YOU!?" "I am a bird," I tried to say but it came out as a squak "WHAT ARE YOU!? TELL ME NOW BEFORE I KILL YOU!" "I am trying to," I tried to say but it turned into a squak. She then turned into a dragon and snarled at me but then I screamed "Don't hurt me please!" and she stopped. There was silence for a moment "You can talk?" she asked. I slowly nodded and she sat down "So who are you?" "I am actually Levi," "Levi who?" I was a little annoyed "Levi from The Squad," "Oh that one...who is that exactly?" this girl is getting on my nerves- "Just kidding, how did you turn into a um...Phoenix?" she asked looking me up and down. "I wore the dragon medallion Lucri just made," she looked at me, stunned but then burst out laughing "HAHAHAHAHA! OH YOU ARE SO DEAD ONCE I TELL HER!" she reverted back into human again. Oh. No. She. Did. Not! I have to find out how to revert back into human but how? I just stood there thinking when suddenly I heard a noise I dreaded to hear "He is right here," "Livi are you sure he'd do something like that?" "Yes I just saw him, the weird part was that he was a black Phoenix," Lucri was silent for a moment and that was when Livi noticed it "Lucri are you okay?" "The medallions don't turn all of us into dragons, they'll turn some people into other mythical creatures," Livi looked at Lucri like she was crazy "WHAT?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!" "What?" "THAT MEANS THAT PEOPLE COULD TURN INTO A MYTHICAL CREATURE THAT COULD DESTROY THE WORLD!" Lucri shivered "Actually the medallion decides which creature you get to be depending on your personality, power, name, and hobby," Livi stared at Lucri "So you're saying that the medallion knows everything about it's holder?" "Yes," Livi looked like she was going to faint "Oh my gosh Lucri you didn't!" "I did," then as soon as I thought I wouldn't be in trouble Lucri spotted me "Hey what's that big bird?" "That's Levi, he transformed into a black Phoenix," Lucri took one look at me and said "Ohhh Levi you are so in trouble for swiping that medallion from me!" I started getting startled and flew away. Well at least I tried because Livi speedily turned into a dragon and chomped on one of my wings "OW!" I screeched before falling. I thought I was going to die if only Livi hadn't grabbed me with her jaws. Lucri came over and looked at me "You know you might as well be a test subject," she said. Then she told Livi something I couldn't hear because I was up in the air "Okay ifh yo saw so," she said (she had Levi in her mouth). She turned and closed her eyes. As she was closing her eyes she suddenly became small enough to fit through the apartment door with ease but she was still a wyvern. I don't know where we're going but it looks like we're going to Lucri's room.

         Lucri's Room...

      It looks like part of her room was a scientific mess and the other half is where she's staying. Everything looked normal in the other rooms but one thing I spotted that was different was that Luca had a magazine and if that wasn't weird enough the title of this magazine was "How Do You Know If A Girl Is Into You" since when does he care about if someone has a crush on him or not? He is not the Luca I know anymore and now everything is changing! I thought about this miserably as Livi dragged me into a glass capsule. And Lucri studied me " failed feathers, the black pigment is just right...tail fin there's nothing wrong with it... yeah I think Levi is good to go," "How do I turn into a human?" I asked. Lucri turned to look at me "You can't," she answered darkly and I looked afraid "Haha I was just joking just think of what you look like in human," she said. I let out a sigh and imagined what I looked like as a human and soon enough I turned back into one as I opened my eyes. I also saw that as Livi and Lucri were watching me turn into a human Luca was also watching someone and that someone was Livi? Huh I wonder why... "Great transforming Levi," said Lucri as she wrote something in her notebook "So how do you feel? Do you feel hot, cold, burning, freezing?" "Actually I don't feel any of those," "Then how do you feel?" she asked again "I feel normal like nothing happened," "Good," she said. I did see something else as well Livi quickly glanced back at Luca but then looked away as soon as he was about to look at her, are they okay? "Hey you guys got in a fight?" I asked them "No we just kind of know something about each other," said Luca "Yeah..." said Livi, I think I know what happened between them, they don't like each other after Luca knows that she likes him "Hey guys it's okay," I said trying to cheer them up. They both nodded but didn't face each other. Suddenly Azuri came into the room "Well when are we going to start traveling to the Hybrid Kingdom?" she asked "We will be going very soon," I said. I have to ask Luca what is wrong tonight or else I won't have that chance again.


    After dinner I went up to my room (which is next to Luca's room) and I called Luca up to his room with me to talk about something "Hey Levi, what do you want to talk about?" "I want to talk about what is happening between you and Livi," he stopped and stared at me but then he shook his head "Nothing is wrong between us," he answered but I knew something was up "Oh really?" I asked then he started getting nervous "N-no not at all," he stuttered! So there is something wrong "Tell me," I said through gritted teeth "Hmmm! I don't want to face her because she might tell me that she likes me and I don't know how I feel about that, there! I said it now could you please leave me alone?" I just looked at him wondering why he was hiding all this from me. Then after a few minutes I sighed "Luca, Livi and Lucri are like sisters to us even though we are not related we are still very close friends, so why don't you just put aside that feeling and act normal again?" "Really? You think I should do that?" "Yes," so that everything could go back to normal "Okay, I'll give it a try," suddenly someone came from the door it was Livi and Lucri who are going to their rooms. Luca stared at Livi all the way until she went to her room then he looked at me and faked a yawn "*Yawn!* I think I want to go to sleep now, I'll see you in the morning," he went to his side of the room and slept in his bed. I smiled to myself and went to my bed, everything might just turn out normal again


     We got up early this morning and checked out of our rooms "Come again," smiled the register and we smiled back. Although sadly we both know that we'll never come back here again "Let's head to our canoes before someone steals them," joked Lavender "Oh no! Do you really think that'll happen?" asked Jackie (Jax) "Of course not, she's just joking," said Jaxx "I think I'll know who stole my canoe if it went missing though~" said Sora. Jaxx (The Squad) blushed a little "Yuck! Come on don't make this gross Sora," said Dora and Sora glared at her "I can do what I want," he answered firmly. Eventually we saw our canoes and none of them has been stolen (yet anyway) "Alright we got everything now all we have to do is head out to the Hybrid Kingdom," said Alex. Azuri nodded and Livi gave her the map (that she stole from the pirate ship) "Alright it looks like we're heading south this time," Azuri said and lead all of us towards the Hybrid Kingdom. The Hybrid Kingdom is known for it's citizens they steal, lie, kidnap, and kill but they have a rule there to not kill more than 20 people there or else they'll get banished from that kingdom. Hopefully we don't die in here.

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