Chapter 26

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          Livi's POV

    I woke up to see that Lucri is on my back "Livi what have you done?!" "What? I just want to be warm," "Well you will warm up the entire kingdom!" "Oh that's good," she gave me an angry face "What? Did I say something wrong?" she facepalmed herself "You'll set the kingdom on fire," "You're kidding, right?" "Do I look like I'm kidding?" no in fact you look like you are about to explode in anger "No you don't," "Great, now let's return to the others," "No I want to stay here," but then I heard her say "Spoiled brat," and then put a saddle on me and then hopped on "Aghh! get off of me!" "Not until you get us where the others are," "I don't even know where they are," but when I thought that will shoo her away I was wrong she just remained on my back and pulled on my horns "Go up!" "Fine you want to go up? You will," I shot up into the air as quick as lightning and started spiraling up as well "Make. It. Stop!" she screeched "What? I can't hear you!" then she started pulling my horns down for me to dive so I did, well not in the way she wanted though...I just starting falling down and she started screaming "GO TO THE OTHERS!" "Fine I will," I flew towards the other squad members very very fast "Here they come!" said Jade but Drake looked at us spiraling towards them and looked scared "TAKE COVER!" everyone jumped out of the way and me and Lucri crash-landed right near a cliff "Ow, that hurt," I said and morphed back into human with Lucri still on my back "Now get off me!" I pushed her off and she looked like she saw a ghost "What?" she pointed at a direction, I see nothing not even a person-hang on? Is that someone waking towards us? Yes it is and it's not an ordinary person "Who set a wildfire through the Great Frost Forest?!" demanded the queen "Not me, I can never change shape into a dragon and breathe fire on your precious forest," I muttered but the queen seems to believe me because then she asked some other people, even Sora and Dora "What are these two doing in my kingdom?" the queen Blizzard asked a guard (since Herald is on break) "They are both the lost royalty," he answered but this news seems to both shock and scared the queen from the look of her face "Put them in jail so that they can await their execution," everyone gasped but then a guard with a worn-out woman came into the palace "No they will not be executed! They will live instead of die!" the queen snorted "And who are you to give commands to my guards?" the woman stepped forward "I am the true queen, queen Frost," "You! You were supposed to be in that locked shed!" but after she said that she covered her mouth and everyone gasped in surprise "That's right but even though you tortured me until I went crazy I've managed to still escape," "The world is not big enough for two queens ruling on kingdom so we have to settle this by a battle, the first to surrender or faint won't be crowned queen but the one who is still standing will!" they turned into their snow leopard forms and started surrounding and attacking each other. Suddenly there was a huge breeze and then icicles started forming on Alex's hair "Ugh! My hair has icicles in them!" "What are you going to do about it smarty pants?" I asked "it is just a wig so I could just throw it away," and she did she threw away her wig revealing her real brown hair everyone gasped and the queens stopped fighting to look at her although the queen Frost hit queen Blizzard and she squealed like an angry cat. But eventually the shock faded away and the queens went back to fighting and queen Blizzard fainted "Queen Frost is victorious!" shouted the guard who was watching them "Yes! Good job mom!" "Thank you honey," "Wait queen Blizzard is your mom?" asked Lucri "Yes, but Sora's memory got wiped when he and Jaxx made the Obsidian Orb," "Princess! As promise here is the Orb Of Frost," Herald came back just in time too we were about to leave and forgot all about the Orb "Why thank you Herald," said Dora receiving the Orb "Now you children remember to visit and take care of Sora and Dora!" said the queen "We will! We always have," said Jax (Rainbow Squad) "Alright now that that's out of the way let's finally go to...Malachite," I said looking at the map "My home!" said Jade and Charli "I am a citizen there," said Jade "And I am the princess there," "We have a lot of lost and found prince and princesses now do we?" I asked "Not to mention rivals," muttered Alex "We have to go now," I said and transformed into my wyvern form Lucri turned into her black wyvern form "Look there's Levi!" said Luca he pointed to him running from the thickest part of the forest "I am *pant pant* here," "Where have you been? I was so worried," said Alex in her awfully sweet-sickening voice, what are they? Meant to be? I thought she loved Zach. The people who came on me were the Alex's squad members but Zach was on Lucri and so were the Rainbow squad "If you try to swallow Alex or anyone-" "Then I will meet my demise, yes, yes, yes you told me that a hundred times when you knew you were going to be riding Lucri," I said with an eye-roll suddenly when we were leaving there was a huge dragon coming to us and it got it's tail out as if it wants to fight (the tail had boulders clustered around and even inside of it) "RAWWWR!" "A dragon is following us do we leave it?" asked Lucri, should we leave it or should we fight it? "Um I think we should see what it wants," I answered so we went back towards it "Hey dragon what do you want? We saw you following us-" it slammed it's boulder tail towards me but I used my wings as a shield "What the-Lucri this dragon wants a fight!" "What do we do?" "We have to outrun it before it hits our 'passengers'," I said and we went in different directions "This way isn't even close to the Malachite Kingdom," said Jade confused "We are trying to outrun a dragon here," "What dragon is it? Maybe I can identify it," said Drake "It is brown, has rocks everywhere on it and has a boulder tail...that's it! I think I know how to defeat it!" "You do? Great let's do that because it's getting closer and closer to Jaxx," said Lavender and indeed she's right Jaxx is on my tail and the dragon is trying to eat him "Hang in there, Jaxx get some big rocks and Lavender glue them to my tail," "Why?" they asked "Just trust me," I said at first they shared a confused look but then Jaxx nodded and grabbed some rocks while we were riding near some and Lavender superglues them and they made my tail look like it is covered in boulders "Great now what happens?" asked Lavender "I like your enthusiasm but in order to make this plan work we have to make the ugly dragon come very close to my tail, so Jaxx grab a spine or fall we need you far away from my tail," I said he nodded and climbed onto my back and grabbed hold of a spike "ROOOOAAAR!" "You want to catch me? Here!" I bashed my tail on his face and blew fire at him he then started shacking his head and decided to leave "Take that!" Lucri came in (not that I missed her) and looked around "Where did he go?" "He left, I scared him off," I explained "Okay good, now we have to get to Malachite," she lead the way and I followed but we took a weird turn and she seems to think it's weird too because she shook her head "This isn't the way to Malachite," "No I don't think so either," said Jax (Rainbow Squad) "Let me check the map..." she muttered and then she looked at the map "Um guys," "What is it sis?" asked Jaxx "The map is upside down and the Malachite Kingdom is that way," she pointed to the opposite direction of where we were flying "Are we going to have to fly back?!" I asked "Relax Livi, kingdoms open portals to them so maybe the Malachite portal will near us," "Good because my wings are getting heavy and I am tiring," I started falling a little bit into the sea when Luca woke me up "Livi wake up before you drown us, please," I woke up, I can always count on Luca to save or help me...he's just so dreamy and perfect-*Slaps myself* no I shouldn't think of that! I should focus! "Thanks, you know for warning me," then suddenly I heard a weird SWIRL! In the water and when I looked down there was a big, gigantic, massive "WHIRLPOOL!" screamed Lucri but some people were still in the canoe (we couldn't carry Drake, Light, Charli, and Lavender so we had to borrow a canoe from the Frost Kingdom) "Don't worry guys we'll get you," said Lucri cheerfully "Hopefully we will," I muttered and she gave me a look that says "Stay positive," then grinned at the others "Lavender do you have my grappling hook?" she rummaged through Lucri's purse and..."Yes I do!" "Great now use that and aim it at Livi, Livi hold still this might hurt a bit," she shot the gun and it hit my neck "YIKES!" "Please don't react in pain," prayed Charli and her wish came true because the pain didn't drive me crazy that I wiped my head in every direction "Good," said Light when he saw that it was steady and I didn't react "Alright now everyone grab onto Lavender and carefully climb onto Livi," Lucri instructed they nodded and did as they were told. Eventually everyone was on top of me but even though they were all very heavy I held it in, I won't drop you guys well maybe I will but I'll come back for you Luca-stop! I am not in love with him! "Everyone's here-wait not everyone Light come on, climb!" said Zach, Light whimpered "I can't!" "If he can't then my squirrels will!" said Charli and suddenly one squirrel came out of her sleeves "It's not big enough," said Light but I think he ate those words because it turned big and he climbed on. Everything was going great until "A..A..ACHOO!" said Alex the squirrel got scarred and started flying around like crazy! But the funny part was watching Light struggle trying to "tame" this wild furry beast "Light no!" screeched Charli and she whistled the squirrel looked at her and did what sounded like a replay (to be honest I don't know what squirrels sound like because I've never seen or heard one before) and it flew back to Charli with a dazed and disoriented Light "Light are you okay?" "What? Who? Where am I?! Who are you?" "He's just disoriented nothing bad," I said trying to cheer her up but Levi seems not to sense that "Actually that is bad, he could've gotten sucked in that whirlpool if the squirrel didn't rescue him and also no more squirrels I've had enough for one day," I snarled at him and he jumped but then stuck his tongue out at me, playing like a child? Okay I'll show you how to play- "Olivia don't do it!" said Lucri and I rolled my eyes "You got away this time, Levi, but not next time!" I said. While I was um yelling at him Jax (Rainbow Squad) saw something in the water "Guys look it's a green portal," "It's the Malachite Portal," said Lucri "Cool," I hovered near the water and the whirlpool suddenly disappeared "I thought it was the never-ending whirlpool," Lavender thought out loud "Guys help!" pleaded Alex as she suddenly was holding onto the back of my tail "How did you-" "A strong gust of wind came and almost blew me away! AHHHHH!" she started falling and went inside the portal "Alex!" Zach cried "Looks like we're going in," sighed Jaxx and me and Lucri dove right into the Malachite Portal. And the portal is awaiting for us to capture it.

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