Chapter 5

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       "Today we need a fish hole," "Why would we need that?" "For food and also since Sora is feeling a little bit better he will have to eat salted salmon eggs," everyone looked disgusted at the suggestion but we all know that we have to feed some weird food to Sora in order to make him feel and be normal again "This is the plan, first we will locate a salmon's nest then Drake will distract the male salmon, Light will pick up the eggs, I will go get the salt and Light will pass it to Alex who will give it to Sora the rest of you watch Sora," as I dove into the muddy water and try to look for salt the other's are doing their part just fine, well all of them except for Alex who was back in camp painting her nails "Okay I think we have enough eggs-" "Wait where are all the eggs?!" Alex looked up at Drake and Light "What? I have to rest after almost getting rammed off the mountain by a mountain goat," Drake and Light just stared at Alex wondering if they could persuade her to help them "I think I have enough salt okay now let's combine the salt with the eggs," I looked around but I see no eggs "Where are the eggs?" Drake looked at Alex "You didn't give the eggs to Sora did you?" "No," Alex began painting her other nails "That was your job, well it was anyway, because I will be letting you distract the salmon while Drake gives the eggs," "What?! You can't do that!" "I just did! Now help them so that I can sprinkle the salt," "Fine!" it took so long because Alex didn't know what to distract the salmon with but Drake told her that the fish likes to eat bugs so Alex grabbed a dead bug and the salmon followed her while Light took some of the eggs (not all) and handed it to Drake who gave it to me and I sprinkled it "Here Sora, eat it," Sora ate it, slowly but then he made a sick face and shoved the rest away "You have to eat it to get better," Sora finally forced himself to eat it "It tastes weird," he mumbles weakly "I think Sora can join us for dinner by the fire," Sora nodded but when he tried to get up he fell, oh no it looks like Sora's effect is unable to walk "This is bad," "He probably just tripped," "No this is one of the effects," "There has to be a way to fix it," "I know that you are worried, Jax but he will have to learn how to walk or get better soon, but I think we need to find Sora a different way to transport because we can't always guard and carry him all the time, we need to find and tame a water buffalo," Jax nodded and went to the others. We will have to do that tomorrow. 

     The Next Day...

      Today is the day we hunt down a buffalo and tame it I think the best way to tame it is to make it fall asleep with the darts and feed it grass "We're going to need grass, weeds, and any plants you know buffalos like," we found lots of berries (that have nothing wrong with them, we wouldn't want to poison the buffalo we tamed) and all we are missing is the buffalo I went up a small hill and looked around I found a herd of buffalos but suddenly the herd left all except for one buffalo. Target spotted. I gave the signal and as soon as the buffalo went near the hill I jumped off the hill and onto the buffalo's back, it started making loud noises and trying to get my off of it's back Charli tried to shoot it with the darts (we learned how to make more darts using a sharp stick and a tranquil berries) but they kept on missing, eventually Charli lost her balance and fell off the hill "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I have to save her but how? I turned to the buffalo and tried to steer it to her luckily the hill she was on was huge so she tried to slow down her fall and we caught her "Thank you!" "Your welcome, do you still have those darts?" "Yes why?" "Stab it on the buffalo," Charli being an animal lover hesitated but then saw thought of how we needed the buffalo and we were trying to tame it, she stabbed it and it gave one big yelp and fainted. We got off the buffalo "Quick give it food!" Charli gave it food, it took a while but we eventually have a tamed buffalo it was great (it hated me) and we brought it back to camp, it seems to like Sora better than the rest of us "Looks like someone is jealous," I teased but I immediately want to take it back because Jax just glared at me "Never mind then," I fiddled with my hands and Jade glared at Jax "You know in order to survive this we all have to work together," Jade turned to me "Right, Azuri?" I didn't make eye contact with anyone "Right..." I still feel guilty and shame for what I did in the was pretty bad but that was all the past me and my ____ are going to stay hidden now, away from the authorities. "Lets just go to sleep-" "Azuri, ever since we got into the jungle you don't seem to act the same anymore why are you doing this?" I just shook my head and went to my tent. They better not find out my secret or else they will want me kicked out of the squad, like the last time it happened...

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