Chapter 2- Welcome to...

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The pain subsided, a feeling of ‘relief’ washed in my body as if healing every wound of mine and suddenly I felt as if someone pushed a lot of air down my throat through my mouth.

I choked and sat up on whatever-that-was (I wasn’t paying attention. I was busy choking, you know), coughing loudly with my hand on my chest and my eyes watering.

Soon, the choking sensation stopped and I stopped coughing as well. I looked up and found myself on a bed that oddly looked like…. The Academy’s hospital bed just with black blanket but the surrounding was not at all like that. I was in a room which was dark-themed which was lit by torchlights which thankfully were not purple. They were actually the first normal torchlights I had ever seen. Why was my life so abnormal?!

However, beside me was a table on which was kept something which reminded me of a very bad memory. Guess what it was? The very basilisk fang I was not dreading to see, the one I was stabbed with right at my heart.

From that I remember… I looked down at my body, all the little wounds and scratches were gone except one. A huge would sat on my chest right where I was stabbed, blood clotted around it and uh, just know it was extremely gross.

I instantly looked away or else I would have thrown up. I looked around, the wallpaper of the room was a mix of grey, white and black but it was gorgeous. There was a huge closet on my right and beside it stood a bookshelf with many books inside it. I stood up and walked upto the shelf and read the titles of the books.

There were all my favourite books as well as the ones I was dreading to read. I walked on and to my left was a black dressing table embroidered with gold. And finally, beside the dressing table was a wooden door.

had never been to this place in my entire life and I was extremely confused about where was I.

“Hey girl. Go and open the door! As much as I like this dark-themed room, I wanna know where are we.” Said Kiki’s voice in my head.

“Y-You are here with me Kiki? Thank God!” I said and I walked up to the door.

I slowly turned the handle, the door clicked and I pushed it opened to reveal a huge field before me with lush green grass, beautiful flowers and trees grown here and there. People were moving here and there talking to each other casually. But that was when I realised that, there was literally no sky in here but still the place was lit up by light coming out of some anonymous source. Weird no? But again, has anything normal happened to me? NO.

I was still wondering about this weird place and feeling when I notice something familiar. A girl with pitch-black hair, wearing black shorts and cream coloured oversized shirt half-tucked in the short and white belt and white shoes.

She seemed so much like someone I knew from the back but…. It was impossible! My curiosity was so overwhelming that I decided to walk up to the girl and confirm my suspicion.

“Is that…. Roselle?” I asked myself.

I walked up to the girl and tapped on her shoulder. She turned while saying, “Who is this…. AAHHHHHHH!!!” The girl screamed at top of her lungs as soon as her emerald-green eyes looked at me. Okay, it is Roselle, no doubt now.

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