Chapter 3- Pearls of Mortality

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"Oh no... not again. Please tell me it's not her." Amy said, making a face.
What was she talking about? Well I got to know who she was talking about when I looked behind her. There stood a woman with black hair, tied up in a bun with gold headband and white flowy, greek gown with a gold, leaf-patterned belt. And I realised who she was the moment I saw her.
It was.... Athena.

"Uhm... I-it is her." I said slowly and Amy let out a deep sigh as if she was annoyed.
She slowly turned back to face her mom and crossed her hands, "Why are you here now?" She asked.
"I need to tell you something." Athena spoke.

"Uhm, wait a second guys. Who is she?" Leo asked.
"She is my dear mom also known as, the great Goddess of wisdom, Athena." Amy replied, rolling her eyes.
"Oh yes. Everything she said is right, just ignore the sarcasm there." Athena said.
"B-but... Gods are not allowed to enter each other's territories." Eric said, frowning.

"Yes ofcourse we are not allowed but then this business was very important and Hades had to give me permission to come. Wait, you two can see me? But I am only visible to those for whom my message is... Never mind, must be some Underworld glitch. So... you are Roselle?" She asked.
"Ofcourse yes." I said while looking down at the floor. I really didn't want to meet her eyes. She must hate me so much because of my mom.... No no no, don't think about that. It was not your fault at all.

"You are just like your mother...." Athena said while wrinkling her nose.
"You mean beautiful? Oh thanks." I said.
"No I meant meddling and selfish." Athena scoffed and I clenched my hands.
"I can't help. If I will be in your daughter's company then you can't expect anything else, can you?" I said, smirking.

"Hey! From where did I come from!" Amy protested.
"From Earth ofcourse." I said.
"Shut up, you roach! You know what I'm talking about." She shouted.
"No you pig, I don't know." I shouted back.

"Then get your brain fixed." Amy said.
"My brain is working perfectly fine! It is your brain that is malfunctioning. Actually, you don't even have a brain-" I shouted back but Athena stopped me this time.
"Okay okay stop you two! You two fight even more than me and the Beauty Slum herself. I don't have time. You can continue your fight after I am done with what I am here for." She said.
"Would you like to speak then!" Amy shouted, totally annoyed.

"I am ignoring this girl for the moment. However, did you guys two get your Gems back this morning?" Athena asked.
"Uh yes. Actually, I didn't have that when I came here but all of a sudden it appeared in my cabin when I woke up today." I spoke slowly.
"Yeah, I also have mine. But don't tell me you came here just to ask that. I certainly know you won't waste your 'wisdom time' just to ask this." Amy said.

"Yeah there is more. as you must know that your Gems move on after their Heirs die but yours didn't. They came back to you for a particular reason." Athena stopped.

"Oh Gods! Can't you just complete your so-called message in one go? Or do you have this 'Complete-my-sentence-in-one-go' phobia?" Amy said, an annoyed expression on her face.
"For the first time, I am agreeing with her." I said.

"Honestly, humans are impossible! Always whining.... Whatever, I don't care right now, I need to continue. So, after you 'so-called' killed Keres, we Gods held a Council to discuss the situation. And we got to know from our secret resources that, Keres is not dead. You just weakened her and she is planning on making a comeback, soon when she regains her strength." Athena spoke.

"Seriously?! Are you kidding me! I literally gave my life to kill that witch and now you are telling me she is not dead. Now, my life as well as afterlife are hell." Amy burst out in anger.

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