Chapter 14- Purple Fire, Again

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I was lost in my thoughts of Amy and I was not paying any attention to whatever they were talking about the Other World and the Chosen Five, yeah you can call me selfish or anything you want as I wasn’t helping my friends out instead was lost in my own world. But it is not my mistake, sometimes we humans tend to give the memories and thoughts of our loved once a bit more importance than anything else going around us, and so was I doing it right now. I didn’t care about anything at the moment because the thought of Amy’s return was way too much overwhelming, it was making me both emotional, angry and happy.

I was happy that she was coming back, sad because that reminded me of her death again and again and angry because why did she have to make me suffer even for some time? I just can’t get over her however many times she asks me to stop loving her…

“Are you fine, Grace? You look… pale.” Lisa asked.

“Y-yeah I’m… fine. Just a bit you know, shocked.” I replied slowly.

“I understand, I was shocked too when Amy first told me.” Charlotte said.

“I still can’t process it though…” Thomas said.

“You’ll have to, because it’s true. They are coming back.” Charlotte said.

“Then why isn’t James coming back?” Thomas asked.

“Thomas, I don’t know. You talked to James himself and if he is saying no then there must be a reason. We gotta respect his decision.” Charlotte said.

“What an excuse! Just directly say that you don’t want him back because you hate him.” Thomas crossed his hands.

“When did I even say that I hate him!?” Charlotte asked.

“You are saying it indirectly all the damn time!” Thomas shouted.

“And can you tell me how?” Charlotte asked.

“Isn’t it obvious? You all here don’t even try to persuade him to come back. Doesn’t it show that you don’t want him back with us?” Thomas yelled.

“No, it doesn’t! We respect his decision doesn’t mean that we don’t miss him or we don’t want him back. ALL of us want him to be with us but he must have thought of something or other before taking the decision so that means you gotta understand.” Charlotte tried to reason.

“Oh really—” Thomas was interrupted by Hermes, I almost forgot that he was still there.

“Come on kids, you can fight later. I need to go so tell me what are you planning to do?” Hermes asked.

“We don’t know yet. But the first thing we’ll be doing will be I think go to Mathilda Mathews’ place?” Aiden asked.

“Yeah.” Charlotte said.

“Why is this boy so quiet though?” Hermes asked pointing at Adrien who was still staring at the place where the screen (through which we talked to Amy and Roselle was) was moments ago, and now he was staring at Mona Lisa’s pretty face resting there.

“Why do you care?” Adrien asked slowly.

“I am a God! Ofcourse I’ll care about little human cockroaches!” Hermes exclaimed.

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