Chapter 25- Blood, Spit And Fingers

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Yeah so where were we? In all this hustle bustle I have lost track of things—Oh right, we were running towards the door as well as fighting burnt zombies with missing body parts that smelled of rotten beef. Such a pleasant thing no? You really should meet them someday…

Anyways so I was shoving off the zombie which grabbed my right leg like a small child, spilling it’s saliva all over my jeans. Yuck.

“Get off me! I’m telling you or I’ll crush your head!” I shouted at the zombie but he didn’t hear me, probably because both his ears were missing? I dunno. However, it was getting too annoying and I finally decided to crush its head. I stopped in the track and lifted my left leg. What happened next, I totally didn’t expect it to happen… I just wanted to shove that zombie off but I think it’s head was way too soft because when I hit it with my foot, instead of flinching or something… it totally got crushed leaving a flattened face on the ground and the hands also slowly unwrapped and my leg was finally free but now it was a mixture of zombie saliva and blood. My poor leg, can’t it get a break!?

I felt like stomping on the ground and act like a child and make one of the others carry me on their backs as I was tired a lot (maybe it’s a side effect of crushing the head of a stubborn zombie baby?). Oh ofcourse I knew that I can’t do that right now, especially when another zombie decided to be clingy and it wrapped it’s burnt flesh-less hands around my neck and get a piggy-back ride from me instead.

“Ugh! Why are you so clingy!” I shouted as struck the zombie’s already-broken ribs with my elbow. Thankfully, this one didn’t get crushed. I just realised that I was lagging behind and I quickly began running faster in order to keep up with the others who were still giving piggy-back, piggy-hand, piggy-leg and piggy-chest rides to the zombies.

“You all fine?” I asked although I knew the answer.

“Do you think we are when we have zombies clinging on us like a damn lizard?” Roselle replied.

“These are worse than lizards…” Leo spoke as he kicked a zombie out of his way.

“Remind me to throw up after we get out of here.. yuck! Their saliva is worse than their blood!” Eric exclaimed.

I sighed, these were the exact answers I thought they’d give. I marched up to Roselle who just punched a zombie. I don’t know why but most of the zombies were getting attracted to my sis—ugh, to Roselle here. Maybe she is more zombie-type?

Keeping all the jokes aside, although these zombies were easy to shove off, still we were having a hard time getting through them. Clinging on us definitely made us slow down because, hey, carrying a full grown zombie with a slashed head (yup, all his braincells were visible) is not an easy task.

Fortunately, we were closer to the gate than we realised so, it was just a matter of seconds until we barged into I-don’t-know-where through that door. We looked at each other and nodded. You know what that nod was about? We all agreed on that if stood in front of the door trying to figure out whether it is open or not, till then all the zombies and monsters would be nibbling on our brains. So there was only one way, we had to break the door. Yeah we didn’t know if the door was already open but open or not, we had to break it. I love breaking things.

When we were just some distance away from the door, we all pushed away the zombies clinging on us with great force and broke into a run. We ran as fast as we could so that the impact on the door would be higher. We were just a few metres away… now only a metre away... now only a few inches away… we were ready to break anything in front of us but unfortunately, we weren’t aware of the fact that the door might open on its own which it did.

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