Chapter 36- Cereberus

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“Definitely!” Roselle accepted the proposal.

Oh my gosh! My heart! I have never felt so happy in my whole abnormal life! I don’t know why I was feeling when it was Roselle who was getting proposed, not me but it felt equally thrilling. Well, atleast I’ll get to feel how it feels to be loved by the love of your life considering I can’t ever… Anyways, moving on.

“Oh my freaking gosh! Are we having a real proposal amidst a dangerous quest?” Kiki asked in my mind.

“So you’re here.” I said.

“Where did I ever go?” She asked.

“Nowhere ofcourse. Your pretty annoying self cannot leave me alone anyways. Well, I said that in the sense that you always interrupt my peace of mind whenever I am super sad or super happy.” I replied.

“What am I here for? Ofcourse to share your happiness and sadness!” She exclaimed.

“ ‘Oh my God! I am so lucky to get you, my dear Kiki! I will always do my best to serve you, your Highness!’ Is that what you wanted to hear from me?” I asked.

“Well no. I have gotten used to your sarcasm.” She said.

“Oh really? Finally I got a not-so-normal person-I mean a SPIRIT- in my not-so-normal life who can finally understand my sarcasm!” I exclaimed in fake happiness.

“What’s your relationship with your Gr—” She suddenly spoke and threw me off guard. I interrupted her before she could even finish.

“What? No! I don’t have any relationship on any person! And definitely not crushes on anyone!” I shouted in my head.

“Eh? When did I ever ask about your crushes? I was just asking about your relationship with your great ‘abnormal’ and ‘not-so’s’?” She asked.

“Oh—Ah… That… well, I don’t know… I just love saying abnormal and not-so-something-something I guess?” I asked, frowning and blushing with embarrassment.

“Ah okay but… what did you misinterpret my sentence as? What’s it about crushes or something?” She asked suspiciously.

“What? No! I-I said that I have NO crushes—” But she interrupted me.

“Come on, Amy! I am not into love and all but I can feel something sweet-ishly fishy. Do you have crush on someone? Is it… Grace?” She asked.

This line made blood rush up to my cheeks and I began blushing badly.

“Hold on! It was M who just got a proposal from Eric. It was ME who accepted the proposal. Then why are YOU blushing, Amy?” Roselle asked and brought me back to the not-so-great reality.

“Uh? Ah—Uhm… nothing! I am just… Happy for you!” I exclaimed.

“You are what for me?” She asked.

“Happy…? Oh shit—I am not supposed to be happy for you, right. Sorry not sorry!” I said, coming back to my senses.

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