Chapter 42- That One Day

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A surge of pain erupted in my heart. My eyes widened as I clenched my heart, the pain was too much for me. Although, I saw this coming, I never thought that it would be this much. Already that dragon’s aura was heavying me down and now this.

I let out a loud scream in pain. I fell on the ground with a thud, and at the same time, I heard someone else falling too. I knew who it was. Adrien.

I looked to my right to look at Adrien and our eyes met. He was in the same position as me, clenching his heart, the pain he was suffering from clearly visible on his face and he was on the ground. I was breathing heavily, the pain didn’t stop nor did it lessen. I didn’t know what to do. This could just be the end of me, for all I know. I can totally understand now why we feared him, however much I and Adrien try to separate ourselves from the clan, at the end of the day we were one of them and no one can change that. Which is why, his aura affected us more than anyone else.

Everything swarmed before my eyes, and suddenly…

My heart stopped.

I could feel my heart stop, I gasped for breath but despite having my nose intact, I wasn’t able to breathe in any air. I could feel every cell of my body heating up and begging for oxygen, but I couldn’t do anything for them. I wanted to die to stop this suffering and gasped to try to take in oxygen for my survival at the same time. Ofcourse, my gasping didn’t last for long.

Hearing Adrien gasping for breath just like me was probably the last thing I heard. I fell on the group flat with all my body parts lying there, motionless and my eyes closed.

How much time passed? I don’t know. Maybe seconds? Minutes? Hours? Or even years, who knows? All I knew was that I was lying motionless, in utter darkness. I didn’t even bother opening my eyes. Why go through all this trouble knowing that I am going to die?

I was just going to lie there for an eternity when someone forced me back to life. Yes, forced.

I felt two huge hands wrapping around my shoulders and shaking me to death. Oh I knew these shakes a little too well. It was Adrien, I was positive. But does that mean he survived? I didn’t know ofcourse, the only way to find out was to answer his call.

Unwillingly, I slowly opened my eyes to see a concerned Adrien looking up on me. I gave little sigh. Thank gosh we both went to Elysium.

“So? Did you meet James and Karina yet?” I asked without getting up.

“What?” He asked.

“What what?” I asked.

“What are you talking about? Why would I meet James and Karina here?” He asked.

“Don’t tell me! Are we in the Fields of Punishment? Well that explains our surroundings. This place is the exact copy of that dreadful place where we died. Oh it was more of a hell than a place. I hated every second I passed looking at that dragon.” I replied.

“Sorry to burst your bubble bro, but we are still alive.” He said.

“WHAT? But I felt my heart stop…” I muttered.

“So did I. Did you forget that we have Grace? We were on the verge of our death but he treated us right before we could go to the Fields of Punishment. But you took way too long to wake up, what the hell were you doing?” He asked.

“Too long? Is the fight over? Are we home? Did you find anything about the Magical World?” I asked.

‘Ugh! By ‘too long’ I meant, ‘5 seconds’!” He shouted.

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