Chapter 7- Ride Doesn't Go Well

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Yeah, I know, you must be here to ask me what happened to me a few moments ago when I almost smacked Grace in the face. Honestly, I myself don't know. It was... how do I describe? Like, an urge or something which rose in me as soon as I saw Grace grabbing Charlotte, anger burst in me and the only thing I could think of was killing Grace right at the moment.

But, thankfully I didn't kill that jealous boy. Oh! Here, I got another nickname for him.... Mr. Jealous.

Seriously, why does he have to get jealous over someone who is dead? Hey, hey, hey! Don't get me wrong. I miss Amy and her drama and annoyingness as much but Gracie should move on. Yet again, who is saying things about 'moving on'. I myself can't get over James's... you know.

I still dream about our friendship days and nightmares about Roselle killing him. Yes, Roselle not Rose, because she isn't whatever she was for me earlier. If not James, at least I moved on my teeny-weeny crush on Roselle. Again, don't get me wrong. Roselle was really good but even after knowing the truth I just couldn't...

You know what? I think we should leave this topic and focus on whatever was going on right now.

"Oh yes, you really should." Said Vi in my mind. I think you might already know that Vi was my Gem Spirit. Maybe not? Who cares. I certainly don't. This idiotic Spirit was very precious to me. No, honestly, he was the only who could keep me sane and not let me go into a deep depression about James by continuously shouting in my mind.

And having a spirit shouting in your mind, hurts. It really hurts.

"Was that a compliment or my insult?" Vi asked.

"Whatever you wanna take it as." I replied.

"Okay then, it was a compliment." He decided.

"Who said it's a compliment?" I asked.

"You just said I can take it as whatever I want..." Vi replied.

"Yes I did. And the three options you have for that are- 1. Insult 2. Insult 3. Insult." I replied.

"Oh no, sir. I checked the options with my very eyes, and compliment is an option there." He said.

"Your eyes have some defect." I said.

"Shut up and stop playing around with me and focus on what's going around you." Vi scolded me.

Oh yes, Vi was the only one who could scold me. And he is the only one whose orders I follow. I don't give a damn to any other rules around. And yes, that is very 'bully and spoilt-child type' and I am very happy with that. Not to mention, that was the environment I grew up in so you can expect that kind of attitude from me. But to be honest, I am trying to stop being a bully but no luck so far. Wish me luck peeps so that I become a stupid 'good boy' in near future!

"Will you stop thinking so much Thomas? I am getting disturbed." Vi said.

"Uhm... you are the one peering into my innocent mind. Not my fault." I said.

"I repeat, shut your mind and focus on what you're doing right now." Vi said.

"I am just getting ready for the trip which we would be going to in an hour. You don't want me to focus on even that, do you!?" I asked.

"There! You wore your shirt upside-down. This is why I say, focus even on the smallest things." Vi said as I realised my mistake and wore the shirt again, correctly this time.

"Get out of my mind and shut up." I said deciding not to focus on Vi anymore.

Did I tell you that we are going to the 'Amusement World' in half an hour which is in the 'Corporeal part of New Jersey' as they call it? Maybe not... However, you should know that or else how will you stalk us there? Seriously. You people don't leave me even in my bathroom. Do I have to say twice? You should take the hint! I will continue talking to you once I freshen up, now get out!

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