Chapter 40- Mysterious Flapping

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Amy’s shrill scream echoed in the place.

Oh God, no, as I realised what might have happened to her.

We all froze right in our tracks when we heard the scream and gave each other the ‘oh shit’ look. We turned to find… Amy gone and Cereberus chewing something.

Oh God, how gross that was like—I know, I should feel bad and all and I did but that grossed out feeling overshadowed all other feelings.

Why did that girl had to die just after a very happy moment of my life, that too by getting eaten by a three-headed dog? Thankfully, it wasn’t her last life. Just a few seconds after her death, some sand began leaking out of one of the three heads of Cereberus. Mr. Three-headed was too confused to make any move so in a way, we were safe for a few seconds. Soon, the sand turned into Amy’s body and brought back to life.

She stood on her feet and looked around and spotted me. She spread her hands and came running towards me.

“HEY HEY HEY! DON’T TOUCH ME!” I shouted at her when she was just a few steps away from me.

“Why?” She asked, giving me a puppy-eyed face.

“First, because you are AMY, my frenemy. Second, loo at your hands.” I said.

She frowned and looked at her hands which were covered with saliva. She gasped and cringed and bent down and tried wiping her hands on the ground which didn’t help her in anyway, instead got some white sand stick to the saliva.

“Ew!” She exclaimed.

“That white sand thing is said to be the crushed remains of bones of the dead bodies of the souls.” Leo spoke up and Amy glared at him.

“You had to tell me this.” She spoke.

“How do I wipe it off?” She shouted.

Uh, guys? We got a bigger problem.” Eric said pointing to somewhere behind Amy. Cereberus had come out of his shock and was now grunting at us, probably deciding how to take revenge on Amy for escaping from his mouth.

“Guys. Run.” Amy shouted and guess what? We ran ofcourse! What else do you expect? Want us to perform salsa before Mr. Three-headed?

We all broke into a run. Trust me when I say that I am great at almost every sport except running. Also trust me when I say that I could have won Olympics, the way I was running. Wow, how different situations can make your body do miracles you could never do earlier.

I was breathing heavily, but I decided to look back to see what Cereberus was doing and guess what I saw?

Amy wasn’t running with us. She was standing right there.


“I know what I’m doing! You guys keep running.” She spoke and raised her hands slowly. The rocks around her began moving and floating in the air. Didn’t she know that her rock trick won’t work? Oh! She wasn’t throwing rocks at Cereberus. She was building a wall. Although, I knew that building a wall was a good idea, I couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was about to go wrong.

I stopped running and looked at Eric and Leo and then back at Amy. I took a deep breath.

“Eric, I love you!” I shouted. With this, I turned and began running towards Amy. I couldn’t let her die. I didn’t want to see another friend (or enemy, whatever) die, right in front of my eyes. I didn’t want to be accountable and tell the others about her death, especially Grace and Charlotte… So I decided, why not die with her? Great idea, no?

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