Chapter 43- The Curse

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“Yeah. Nice to meet you and now we’ll get moving.” I spoke. Ugh, I seriously don’t want to have a fight with a pupil-less God. I mean, come on? I might be the most powerful of all the heirs of Concord Gems but imagining a fight against a God? Excuse me? We aren’t in any book where the protagonist would be more powerful than a literal God now, are we?

“Nope. You all aren’t going anywhere. This is exactly where you stop.” Hades spoke.

“One question, why are you pupil-less?”  Leo asked.

“Nice observation.” Amy said.

“It’s just the way I prefer to look like while I kill all of you.” Hades said.

“Hey! Look at you, now look at us. You’re a useless, pupil-less God while we are some good, powerful group of friends who’d do anything for each other. How can you fight with us?” Amy asked.

“Uhm, Amy? You know that you are provoking him right now, right?” Eric asked.

“Oh I am?” Amy asked.

“Yes you are. ‘Group of friends who’d do anything for each other’ you say, huh? Well, I can just blink and turn you all to dust right now but I won’t do that. This month has been quite boring, let’s have some fun, shall we?” He said. With that, he clicked finger on his right hand.

Okay, I really expected some weird monster to pop up in front of us but nothing happened.

“Are you ageing? Why did you miss your target?” Amy asked.

“Well well, I didn’t miss any target.” He said pointing at Eric and Leo.

The hell was he talking about? They looked totally normal…

Oh wait. Something was not normal. Their eyes. They were cold now, they didn’t have the same warmth they usually contained. They were standing there motion and expressionless. Oh shit. I knew this a little too well. They were possessed.

“Was THIS what you meant by FUN? Fight among friends? In what sense is it ‘FUN’?” I shouted at Hades.

“It is a lot of fun for me! Maybe not for you. Let’s start now, shall we?” Hades asked.

“NO—” Amy was interrupted by him.

“THE GAME STARTS NOW!” He shouted.

Eric and Leo slowly turned to look at us. Their cold eyes staring into the depth of my soul.

“Guys, we are not here to fight! We all have just one life left so we cannot kill each other!” I shouted. But were they listening? Hell no.

The two of them kept advancing towards us while the two of us, unwilling to fight our comrades were backing off.

“Start the fight already! You can’t backoff like that.” Hades said and clicked his fingers. Suddenly, there was a boom behind us. I turned to look at what had happened, and dang it. The land behind me and Amy had been divided into two and we were literally at the edge. One more step, and we’d fall to our deaths. Eric and Leo advancing towards us weren’t helping either.

I looked at Amy desperately and she shook her head.

“We have no other choice than to fight them.” She said.

“Be gentle, okay? They are just possessed, it’s still them.” I said.

“I know.” She said.

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