Chapter 37- Vision

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Only one word was going in my mind during whatever that was happening out there, “Ouch!”.

My body was aching all over, probably because the number of times Red Mamba threw me on the floor (why did they have to keep the floor so freaking hard in that place?) but I didn’t know why I would feel as if I am burning in the Fire of Hell… Or did I? Suddenly it struck me that I might be outside where the room was on fire.

Oh shit.

Yeah that’s all I thought. I didn’t want to get up or do something although I was feeling really sorry for James if he was trying to save me, IF he was, that is.

And that is exactly where I stopped thinking.

Why? You don’t know? Get some braincells, bro! Isn’t it pretty obvious that if I am out there burning in the Fire of Hell then I am definitely getting burnt and ofcourse, fainting? Oh right, you need description of everything right? So here’s how I fainted:

My body felt like it would melt anytime, already. And the sudden attack of a weirdly cold water which made me feel… weird. Yeah, that’s how I will describe the flashbacks to my previous shitty life. Sacrificing myself to protect them, how hard it was for me to spend my time here, how lonely I was from deep inside… yeah, weird is the perfect word for that. My heart went from broken to shattered. My body went from burning to ashes (not really but I didn’t know what could go worse than burning while well, burning so yeah, ash it is). My mind went hazy to blank (faint). My hearing went from faint to gone. My eyes went form closed to well… closed. Just as I was dying from visiting those unwanted flashbacks from my life, I felt as if some picked me up like a baby and whoosh! It felt as if I was flying but only for a millisecond (makes sense, I guess?). I don’t know what was happening out there, but it definitely wasn’t good. So as to give poor James some moral support, I decided to wake up from my Faintland. Also, did I mention that I hate fainting? I’d rather die on the battlefield fighting instead of just fainting like a… I don’t know.

 Anyways, I slowly opened my eyes to see…

Mr. James was looking at me intently and I was way too close to his face. His beautiful (imagine that I coughed, AHEM AHEM) amber eyes were full of concern, sadness, anger, guilt, doubt and whatnot. I just used to think of them as beautiful till now but I just realised how many emotions they held. Keeping his eyes apart, his face had patches of burns on them and he smelled like… a burned human. What had happened? I don’t know really. Anyway, the thought that I was definitely wasn’t standing on the ground suddenly struck me which got me thinking where was I and then I realised that… I was in James’ arms.

My eyes widened and I gave a loud shriek which startled James which resulted in me falling on the ground with a thud. I groaned but what surprised me was that it felt as if I had fallen a few times earlier when I was unconscious as well. I looked at James and frowned.

“EW EW EW! Why the hell were you carrying me like that!” I shouted.

“I was afraid you’d do that. I was carrying you because you decided to faint right in the middle of a freaking burning room!” He exclaimed.

“So what?” I asked.

“So that if I wouldn’t have teleported you here then you would burned to death in there.” He replied.

“Aish—Oh wait. What did you say? Teleport? Since when did you have that power?” I asked.

“Since Areum came back.” He said.

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