Chapter 6- The Plan

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Can you imagine talking to your friend even after your death? Amy was doing just that right now. Oh, I know, it is weird but not to me because one thing that I learnt after all this is that nothing is weird in this world, especially anything related to The Realm. You'll always find your 'weird' level equal to their 'normal' level, so forget about what their 'weird' level will be.

However, as we talked to Charlotte I could make out that she was literally freaking out. Poor girl, you cannot freak out any less when you get a call from your bestie who happens to be dead, I wonder how she did not manage to die.

"This is so cool!" Teichi said in my mind and I nodded in agreement.

"It's the first thing that had been useful to us made by Charlotte." I said.

"Roselle. You don't talk bad about your friends!" Teichi scolded in my mind.

"We are not friends!" I shouted in my mind.

"Really? Then why did you sacrifice your life, eh? Now don't say it was to save the world because you are not 'save the day' type of girl." Teichi said and I blushed.

"Umm... W-what about you and Kiki!? You two didn't get along well but now, Amy tells me that Kiki cares for you now? Now aren't you two friends?" I tried to change the topic.

"W-what... HOW DID WE COME INTO THIS!" She shouted in my mind.

"You are in the same situation as me, Teichi. Not ready to call Kiki your friend but then you do care about her." I replied to her.

"So you do accept that you treat them as your friends." Teichi said.

"Who knows? Maybe.... But you and Kiki seriously seem lik best friends!" I trailed off.

"Shut up and see how beautiful that girl's dress is! I think it'll look good on you." She said and I somehow knew which direction she was referring to. I looked to my right but there was absolutely no one and that was when I realised what Teichi did.

"You little Gem Spirit! How dare you try to get off-topic?" I screamed, in my head ofcourse.

"You little Human Being! How dare you try to deny that you want friends and you treat them as your friends!?" Teichi replied to me.

"STOP SCREAMING AND SHUT-" But before I could reply to her Eric asked, "Shouldn't we do that, Roselle?"

I stared at his face, totally embarrassed. Oh it's so hard to talk to your dear annoying Gem Spirit in your mind and pay attention to what your friends are talking about too! And so embarrassing when you someone asks you something and you are absolutely clueless even what was happening at the moment, especially when it's your c--, I mean, c-close friend.

"She didn't listen to what we were talking about." Amy declared.

"H-how did you know? You read minds or what!?" I exclaimed, totally shocked. You know, I need to be very careful with her if she can read minds. I have certain personal secrets going on in my pretty brain...

Amy frowned and said "I wish I could because I really wanna confirm one itsy bitsy suspicion about you and someone. However, the answer is no I can't."

"Then how did you get to know...?" I trailed off.

"The same thing happens with me a lot. I get lost in my own world and then Char has to repeat everything she said. Not to mention, this has increased since this annoy- I mean, cute little Gem Spirit entered my mind. By the way, Kiki is suggesting Teichi that all the Gem Spirits should have a get-together at Spectre Café." Amy said rolling her eyes.

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