Chapter 39- Truth

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This. This was probably the only thing I didn’t miss at all from the times I was alive. Fighting with monsters. I mean, I am kind of a peace guy and well, fighting isn’t peace, forget about killing monsters.

Using this dagger to kill this super ugly monster brought back memories. Painful ones. Getting thrown to the ground, getting stabbed, watching friends almost die and the best one- Dying.

Anyways, so—I have to describe how I die? Ugh, I hate this task but I have to do it anyway so here we begin.

I had a hard time convincing Karina to go, don’t even ask me how hard it was for me to fight Mr. Eyeless.

I was wounded, badly with several injuries on my burnt legs, hands and basically, all parts of my body.

My dagger was utterly useless but the stupid me, still decided to fight using it. Perfect.

Mr. Eyeless was giving me a hard time. He tried walking over me, but I got out of his way in this time, although I had to run so fast that I fell and scraped my knees (ouch). I looked up, trying to find for a solution and the only things that I could find were those sharp thorns. For a moment, I thought of using my powers to grab him but then I realised… that Areum wasn’t with me anymore. I guess I got used to his presence too soon. Why was I even expecting him to stay with me? He had Aiden back in the Realm afterall…

Anyways, so I decided to pull out two large thorns which could perfectly become mini-spears. I targeted his eye sockets which I guess were pretty sensitive places since… well, he was eyeless. Before he could make any move to kill me, I threw the thorns at him. My target was his eyes, but one of the thorns went piercing his stomach while the other pierced the place where his nose was supposed to be. I didn’t really expect it to affect him much but seems like his nose region was pretty sensitive too.

He growled loudly, so loud that I had to cover my ears. The thing tried stepping back but instead of moving, he staggered and lost his balance. While was trying to regain balance, his longs hands with long and sharp nails, flailed all around the woods, cutting down trees and making deep cuts in the ground.

Suddenly, I saw his right hand making its way towards me. I only got the time to say “Holy shit” and to try running away before it got me. I began running but I had taken only a few steps when I felt a big thing’s presence behind me and before I even knew… A big, sharp nail of his dug into my thighs. Pain erupted in my thighs which travelled all over my body, my body stopped functioning and I fell on the ground, all my body parts went numb and that’s when my brain told me… ‘Even a little scrap from Vision’s nails can make you die in 10 minutes because of the rapid spread of poison from the wound which is released from his nails.’

I didn’t even have the energy to shout at my brain for reminding me about this fact so late. My body was on fire, I could hardly move or groan in pain. Mr. Eyeless seemed to have regained his weight and I guess he was now trying to figure out a way to get rid of me for once and for all. Great.

My vision got dizzier and I couldn’t help but look at the sky, helplessly…

Oh wait… Sky. SKY. Pristin, I thought.

My body reacted to the thought automatically. My hands moved, despite the pain, and reached my mouth. I took a deep breath, despite the pain and tried blowing a whistle. I blew a faint whistle, despite the pain, which was faint but good enough for Pristin. It had good ears. Finally, because of all the pain I had to bear during my attempt to whistle, my body gave up.

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