Chapter 32- Feeder

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My heart went boom-boom when I realised what Hades might be talking about. I was on fire (like, not literally, ofcourse) and I wanted to barge in and beat the shit out of that piece of klunk but then again, doing something like that to the one ruling the place you are at will be foolishness so I held in my anger as the door slowly closed behind us.

“Do you guys realise what that stupid little piece of shitty klunk mean?” I asked.

“Unfortunately, yeah. But we can’t do anything about it. James and Karina are strong. I bet they are on their way, escaping out of whatever place they are kept in.” Leo replied.

“Yeah! For Gods’ sake! How far can this stupid God go just because us leaving the Underworld hurts his pride, I mean, come on! Will you freaking look at the bigger and better picture first?” Amy exclaimed.

“I know right! I wanna just stab, shoot, burn, drown and strangle this old little piece of shuckface.” I exclaimed.

“That offer is very tempting, yeah. But I’d like to request you guys to look in front of you first.” Eric spoke.

I frowned and turned towards whatever there was in front of us. And trust me, I didn’t like what was there in front of us. Now now guys, stop! Stop your wild imagination imagining some weird vicious monster. No, it wasn’t any other monster… Instead it was something worse. It was a maze, and not just any other maze, it was a mirror maze. Can you imagine it? Oh ofcourse you can! Anyway, this meant that we had to pass through it which meant that we had to use our brains to get out of it which meant that I am doomed as right now, I was a little too angry to use my brain.

“Don’t tell me… Do we have to get past this thing?!” Amy asked.

“Yeah! It’s going to be fun! I mean, I love mazes.” Leo exclaimed and we stared at him with our mouths open.

“Seems like Leo is the only smart one here.” Eric spoke.

“Come on, guys! Don’t tell me that you don’t like solving puzzles or exploring mazes.” Leo said.

“Not everyone is like you, Leo.” I spoke.

“Now as the rest of us don’t want to use our brains, Mr. Leo, please lead the way, sire.” Amy said pointing at the maze.

“Ugh—seriously guys!” He exclaimed, “Anyways, follow me in.”

We did as he said and followed him. We stepped into the mirror maze and I was quite startled by how real our reflections looked in the mirrors. I mean, if I wouldn’t have been in my own body then I might have mistaken one of my reflections as my own self (Does that make sense?) and totally would have messed up with identifying who is real and who is not.

“Thank gosh we have Leo leading the way or else we would have been stuck here forever—” I was interrupted by some loud noises and everything began swarming before my eyes. No, everything was literally moving and floating in front of, it wasn’t just me fainting. The tall mirrors began floating in air and moving here and there due to the high speed of wind blowing around the place.

“ROSELLE! YOU JINXED IT, YOU IDIOT!” Amy shouted as she held my hand tightly, out of the blue.

For some reason, Eric’s grip loosened and probably he let go of my hand. On the other hand, it felt as if someone was putting force and trying to separate my and Amy’s hand and well, he succeeded. In just a millisecond, I was all alone and no one was holding my hand. I strained and tried to move my body despite the force applied by the strong winds on my body. I tried and tried to move my head and look to my sides to see where did my friends go but it seemed as if someone had just made me a frozen popsicle right there. And then suddenly, I just melted (not literally though-). The winds stopped blowing and all the mirrors placed themselves back to their places as if nothing ever happened. Everything went back to its normal state and back to its place except my friends. I realised that I was now alone in the maze, surrounded by mirrors. There was no sign of my friends anywhere around. Suddenly, a shrill voice made its way to me.

The Clandestine Six- The ComebackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora