Chapter 22- Code

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“Aiden! You know how cool that was?” A-reum exclaimed.

“Uhm what was?” I asked.

“Ofcourse the way you all acted as the rich spoilt kids! Your act was perfect.” He said.

“Oh that? Well, it was but I don’t understand one thing…” I trailed off.

“You didn’t understand how did that receptionist suddenly changed?” A-reum asked.

“How did you know?” I asked.

“Sir, exactly how many times do I have to inform that I live inside your damn head so I know all those weird things you wonder all the time. For example, why are BTS members so cute… Man! Don’t you already know? They are not humans. They are angels and do you expect angels to be ugly?” He said.

“Why are you exposing me like that!?” I exclaimed.

“Well, maybe because I love exposing you? You know what guys? He was just thinking that h—” Before A-reum could continue, I shouted in my mind.


“Sorry but I don’t follow your orders. So he was—” I again interrupted him.

“NO, YOU DO FOLLOW MY ORDERS. SHUT UP. YOU DON’T EXPOSE MY WEIRD THOUGHTS. Anyways so, do you know anything about what happened to her?” I asked, changing the topic.

“Ofcourse I know.” A-reum replied.

“So, when are you planning to tell me? After Itzy or Blackpink’s next comeback?” I asked.

“Well… the thing is, if you remember, Thomas’s Gem has that power to control minds. And that’s exactly what he did. He controlled her mind.” A-reum replied.

“But how?” I asked.

“Do I look like Vi to you?” He asked.

“First off, I can’t see you. Second, well no.” I replied.

“Then how am I supposed to know anything about how he does that!?” A-reum shouted and I winced.

“Aishh—stop shouting!” I shouted in my mind.

“Well, I would but…” The rest of whatever A-reum was saying, I didn’t hear it because I was currently thinking of ways to ask Thomas how he did it. You see, he hates me so I don’t want to start a fight with him while we are on a mission.

But before I could think of someway, Charlotte stopped walking and grabbed Thomas’s hand. Thomas stopped walking as well and turned to look at Charlotte, his eyes widened and his ears totally red. Oh gosh these people…. Seriously.

“What are you doing?!” He asked.

“S-sorry. I wanted to ask you how did you do it?” She asked as she quickly let go of his hand, her cheeks becoming as red as a tomato.

“Did what? Oh, that mind control thing? I just learnt how to use that power of mine last night only when I made Aiden bring a glass of milkshake for me to my room. I thought that this was the best moment to use it…You know, she was starting to recall everything so…” He explained.

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