Chapter 45- Devil

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A pure silence followed after what I said. What the hell was I even thinking? I wasn't still ready to tell my truth to anyone and the fact that Roselle wouls be the first person I'd tell my secret to instead of Charlotte or Grace or someone else is just... WEIRD.
"Are you gonna speak, Amy?" Roselle asked.
"Ehm... I guess I decided that I'm not gonna tell you just yet." I replied, sheepishly.
"Okay! Okay! Calm down girl. I-I will tell you... Uhmmm, lemme just gather my courage atleast?" I asked.
"Yeah, go ahead." She replied.

I took a deep breath. So this is it. This was how my secret was to be revealed. To my frenemy, in front of Aphrodite, Athena and Hades, in the Underworld and definitely not the timing I'd like to reveal it. I mean... knowing Roselle, she'd definitely take it to her heart and feel guilty. However much of a strong queen she might be on the outside, she is as soft as a teddy bear from the inside. She'd feel guilty although it wasn't her mistake. It had never been. But whatever it is, she was bound to know sometime or other, probably this was the time fate chose... I'm not complaining (although I am) or anything but God, I hate fate. Everything happens the way I DON'T want it to. But then again, neither my life nor am I normal so yeah, it's pretty expected.
"How long does it take to muster up your courage?" She asked.
"Uh yeah... uhm... so..." I trailed off.

"When I was born, Aphrodite cursed me. She gave me a curse because she had a child, to be precise, YOU, from the man she loved but unfortunately, she found out that... My mom also had ME with the same man. It was one of the rare times when Aphrodite was REALLY in love and just... became crazy and she cursed me in anger before I was even born. I was born with a curse..." I trailed off.
"What curse?" She asked.
"I cannot love anyone, EVER." I replied.
"Wait. WHAT?" She asked.
"Yeah... If I end up loving anyone, he or she experiences something worse than death... Th-the lose their memories and just become like a dead human, like a zombie. They are alive but not really alive. Which is exactly why I was always reluctant to show my feelings to anyone. Even Charlotte... She is more dear t me than I show but I cannot show anymore than "she is a friend I need right now" because if I do... Anyways, this is the reason I asked Grace to stop loving me. Although I know, deep inside... I do love him, I cannot express it nor can I let him love me. He'll only get hurt if he loves me, whether it's because I loved him back or because I never loved him back he fell into an unrequited love."  I spoke without shedding a tear. Why? Because I had already shed so many tears that my heart has gone numb. I can’t even feel anything now when I think of my past. I was all blank right now as I revisited my not-so-good days in the past. Every day as my wish to live declined, my heart grew number. Every day as I attempted to die, my heart grew number, Every night as I cried, my heart grew number to the point that I don’t feel anything now. My past… it still hurts me, but it seems so distant now and not in a good way. I didn’t let go of my past yet but still it was distant and hurtful. I cannot even describe how I feel right now…

Anyways, everyone was as quiet as the quietest room in the world as soon as I finished.
All of them were absorbed in their own worlds.

"So... in short, it was all because of me." Roselle concluded. Ugh, just what I feared.
"No, Roselle! None of it was ever your fault! It was just because certain someone got angry." I spoke.
"And why did she get angry? Ultimately, it was because I was born. If Aphrodite had never met dad, if she had never had me... Maybe she could have left you alone? Maybe your life could have been better? Maybe you could be with Grace right now?" She asked.
"Don't speak as if your life isn't shit enough. Yours is as complicated as mine. I lost a dad and so did you." I replied.
"I always knew something was wrong with my birth... I should never have been born..." Roselle said while tears rolled down her cheeks. Oh God, my heart sank, gosh I can't see her cry like that... I was just about to go and hug her (yeah, you heard it right, HUG HER. Come on, she needs it right now) but someone else did it for me.
Before I could even move, Eric was already hugging her. Her head was pressed on his chest, she was silently sobbing, his right hand was on his head and his left hand was patting on her back.
"It's okay, Roselle. None of it was your fault. And if you wouldn't have been born then how would I survive without you, huh? Stop crying, you have never done anything wrong." Eric comforted her.
I gave a small smile, she had chosen the right person. He'd stay by her side forever... No matter what, I could sense it.
"He is right, Roselle. You might have triggered this curse, but you are also the reason why it is getting lifted." Aphrodite spoke.
"Huh?" She asked.

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