Chapter 29- Occupant Number...

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I mean, I never knew I was so freaking flexible until this moment. I perfectly twisted and turned my body like a snake and made my way through those rays without any problem… well, ignoring the fact that I was having a little back and arm and thigh and ankle pain, everything was alright! Great no? And now we were waiting for Leo to open the door. Everything here happens SO dramatically I mean…

“The whole lot is full of actors so you can’t expect this not to be dramatic, you know.” Teichi said in my mind.

“Oh my—I almost forgot about your existence, Teichi.” I spoke.

“Thanks for forgetting my existence. I forget about you every single second. How are you doing anyway?” She asked.

“Isn’t it getting too formal? Well to answer your question, apart from being covered in burnt zombie saliva and blood and my body parts paining a bit, I am absolutely fine!” I exclaimed, sarcastically ofcourse.

“It doesn’t seem… so FINE to me though.” she said.

“Oh you JUST noticed that? TEICHI! Do you even know how much ew-y things I had to go through!? And you Miss, just sit back at the back of my head!” I shouted in my mind.

“I don’t just sit back! I do many more things like reading spirit books, having an invisible sun-bath, diving into the ocean of your precious memories and picking out the pearls made up of your most embarrassing moments in life. OMG, watching them is so fun!” She said.

“Wait a minute—did you just say that you went through my memories?!” I asked.

“Ofcourse. Sadly, most of them were sad but some were funny too. For instance when you got water spilled all over you in front of the whole class or even the one where you tripped with food in your hand was funny too!” she said.

“YOU—HOW DARE YOU! Gosh it’s so embarrassing! Shut your mouth and- and stop diving into the lake or whatever that was of my ocean. I don’t like it when you go through my memories!” I exclaimed.

“Ahahahaha! Do you actually think I would listen to you?” She asked.

“Well, CERTAINLY NOT and that is exactly why I was thinking about killing you.” I said.

“Well you can’t!” She said.

“How I wish I could kick you out of my mind.” I cursed.

“ROSELLE!” Amy shouted whisperingly (does that make sense, though?) to grab my attention.

“I know you gotta talk to Teichi who always decides to show up at the wrong moment just like Kiki, but you gotta pay attention here too!” She whispered.

“Why are we whispering though?” I asked.

“SHUT UP!” She shouted whisperingly. Has she gone mad?

“Eh?” I asked.

“Uh not for you. Kiki was annoying me as always. Now to answer your question, would you like to look around you madame?” She asked.

“Umm… okay.” I said and looked up.

We were standing in huge room… or should I say a “giant” room? What I mean to say is that we were standing next to something that seemed like a desk you would find in a giant’s house and not only the desk instead everything in the room was like that. We didn’t even have to squat in order to hide because considering the size of furniture, the owners must be huge too and well hopefully they won’t notice us little human-y ants wriggling around the room.

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