Chapter 11- Blair's Info

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Do you think you would be able to live after falling from such a height like that of this cave? I don’t think so… But see, what happened with me is quite complicated so, you gotta deal with it.

So, here I feed you with my weird I-don’t-know-how-to-describe-it-fall.

I fell on the ground, with my pretty face hitting the ground first and then later the lower part of my body hit the ground. The impact was so hard that I think my face would have flattened and looked more or less like Voldemort. I could feel pain bursting on my face and travelling throughout the body.

My body ached and the pain didn’t die down until I felt my body crumble to dust. Oh yes, by body crumble to dust I do mean that I felt as if every cell in my body crumbled to dust. In all the times I almost died (in total, 3), I never ever felt like this. This feeling of my body crumbling to dust was new and I don’t think it is normal because nothing normal can happen to me.

And did I mention that as soon as I felt like my body crumbling to dust I also felt that dust joined together form my body’s shape. Does this sound weird? Oh yes it does. Everything is weird around.

Wait a second—how am I even talking with you right now if I am… you know, dead on the first part of the quest?

I felt as if that dust somehow entered my throat and I choked on it. I began coughing hard until I was forced to open my eyes.

I still felt as if I was made of dust, just a second ago because of many reasons. First, because I choked on some dust which I didn’t even eat. Second, I felt the dust itching in my eyes, then I felt it sticking over my legs, in short I began feeling itchy because of that imaginary dust.

I rubbed my eyes and opened them only to find Roselle and Leo lying on the ground, hopefully unconscious. And there was no trace of Eric except the fact that there was dust in the place where he might have fallen.

I looked here and there expecting to find Eric somewhere in the cave but I had no luck.

“Eric? Eric? Where are you? And…. Amy, Leo? Are you two alive or unconscious?” I asked while slightly shaking Roselle’s head.

“H-huh?” I heard Roselle say slowly as her eyes fluttered open.

“W-where are we?” Roselle asked.

“In the cave. You were unconscious, we all were I think.” I said.

“But… how did we even survive this fall?” She asked and began looking around her.

“Wait a second. Where is Eric?” She asked.

“Dunno.” I said as I tried to wake Leo.

I called out Leo’s name several times but he didn’t respond so I decided to finally shake his hand to wake him up (I don’t like being touchy touchy with boys so it was a very difficult task for me).

Before I could touch his hand, I heard light ‘swish’ sound and I was startled for some reason. I looked behind me to see if Roselle was still there and she was all fit and fine but there was still no sign of Eric.

I wonder what happened to him… I was just thinking that when suddenly I felt something strange going on to my left. I turned my towards that direction and saw… the dust lying on the floor began moving and started forming a shape, a shape which resembled a body.

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