Chapter 20- Ripped

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We stood in front of the gate for like five minutes somehow trying to prepare ourselves for the sight we would find behind the gate. You know, keeping every other place in the Underworld aside, the Field of Punishment is known to be extremely gross with all kinds of monsters and uh… ‘punishment-gone-wrong’ people in there.

“Are you sure we have to go in there Roselle?” Teichi asked in my mind.

“Ofcourse, we got no choice.” I replied.

“…How are you feeling right now?” She asked.

“What do you mean?’ I asked.

“I mean… as in… Aren’t you feeling—actually, leave it. I don’t want to make you anymore nervous.” She said.

“What do you mean? Speak clearly na!” I asked.

“U-uhm… Are you feeling… Lovesick these days!?” Teichi said quickly. I sensed that it was certainly not what she wanted to ask earlier but I decided not to question her as she might have her own reasons for this.

“What does lovesick mean?” I asked.

“Oh you do know… You know, Eric…” Teichi trailed off.

“SHUT UP!” I shouted in my head.

“Why should I shut up?” She asked.

“H-How did you know about him?” I asked.

“Well… Maybe Amy didn’t tell you this but yeah, I can tell who likes whom as soon as I see the person, or well let’s say sense the person ‘cause well I technically can’t see you.” She said.

“Why is it always so dangerous to live with you Teichi?” I asked.

“Because I am fabulous.” She said.

“You narcissist little—oh by the way… why would Amy know about it?” I asked.

“She really didn’t tell you about it? Guess she doesn’t want you to know that she and Grace like each other… Well, I won’t tell you either.” She replied.

“Do you know you picked up a really disgusting habit of Amy’s?” I asked.

“And what is it?” She asked.

“You spill the beans when you shouldn’t.” I replied.

“Oh really? Oh my God did I just—” She stopped.

“Yes ma’am, you just blabbered that she didn’t want me to know that they like each other. But why wouldn’t she want me to know?” I asked.

“Because you used to have a crush on Grace.” She replied.

“Well I don’t anymore. He is just a boy friend, my heart belongs to Eric.” I said the sentence in a melodic way (Or you can say that I sang the sentence-) in my head (If that’s even possible).

“Boy friend—I just thought the other way round. Girl, you gotta be careful how and when you speak a particular word.” Teichi said.

“Well I said that for you only. Anyways, do the others know about it?” I asked.

“Yeah they do. Afterall, she rejected him in front of them when she was dying.” She said.

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