Chapter 13- Lava Is Not Fun

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“Let’s get moving. We don’t have time.” Eric said as we all got up.

“Mm right. But it was good to see them again. I wanted to talk more but…” Roselle trailed off.

“I know right but let’s hurry now. The faster we get out of here, the earlier we meet them.” Amy said.

“You are so right. I want to breath the air of the living world so bad. Let’s go!” Leo said..

We stood up and start limping towards the light. Although were reborn but still their bodies were still paining from the impact. Maybe the pearls reduced the pain and scars but they didn’t vanish completely.

“What do you think it’ll lead us to?” Roselle asked.

“Certainly nothing pleasant.” Amy said.

“Right.” Roselle said wrinkling her nose.

I led on our way into the light. At first, I wasn’t able to see anything as soon as I stepped in. But soon enough the view cleared and guess what? It wasn’t great. We were standing on a very narrow and weak bridge that connected the exit from Elysium to probably the fields of punishment. The bridge was made up of wood and seemed as if they left it there to rot over the river of lava (yes it was lava beneath the bridge, which means that we’ll burn to death if we fall down which I am pretty sure we will because that river won’t leave us without getting a taste of our tasty flesh ‘cause it isn’t there for nothing is it?)

“So…we need to go over it?” Leo asked.

“I think it’s more like diving into the river of Lava.” Roselle said.

“Why would we dive into it? Aren’t we supposed to pass over it safely?” Eric asked.

“We are but I am pretty sure we won’t pass without get burned to death.” Roselle said.

“Why are you so sure? As if…” Eric trailed off.

“Yeah. We’ve got quite some experience.” Roselle said.

“Yeah and now let’s go and burn in peace.” Amy said.

“I… don’t like burning…” Eric said.

“Don’t worry bro. They were just kidding. WEREN’T YOU?” And that is how we earned our very first death glare from Leo.

“Yeah whatever. Now come on walk.” I said.

They nodded and Leo led the way just incase something sprang up in front of us, it would be easier to smack it with his spear-cum-shield. I followed him with Roselle and Eric behind me.

As we took the first step, the board creaked and a small crack formed on it from only our first step. The bright lava river glistening below the bridge and gladly being a terrifying sight which was visible through the gap between the two boards.

I was pretty sure that the bridge wasn’t going to last for long nor was it going to come to end pretty soon because as far as I could see, the bridge was still going on and on and on. Not only that the bridge would crack and break anytime, I was sure that Hades wouldn’t just leave us like that. He must have added some more traps around here which is something I don’t like. However much I didn’t want to walk on that damn bridge, we didn’t have a choice so I had to.

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