Chapter 33- Back

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With that, Wraith-no Black Mamba-no Red Mamba- dissolved into darkness. I couldn’t tell if he just retreated or if he was actually dead because I was busy worrying about Karina. She was on the floor, breathing heavily, her eyes half-closed. There was a loud bang, indicating that now both the door which could be our exits were now closed. But I didn’t care about that right now, Karina was more important. A friend is always more important than anything else for me.

So I ran towards her and knelt beside her. I grabbed the back of her head and lifted it and kept it on my knee.

“A-are you fine, Karina?” I asked.

“Yeah, I am….” Karina trailed off and her eyes closed. My heart stopped when I thought that she might have died… But thankfully, I noticed her chest moving, so she was not dead, just knocked out. I looked around me and realised that trouble wasn’t over yet. The room was now on fire severely, flames blazed around every corner and every inch on the room as if it was their property and they were about to have a good snack.

Karina and I were sitting on the small piece of land which was not on fire yet because there was still some affect of Wraith’s shadow but I knew that it won’t last long. Just a few seconds, if we’re lucky then minute, and then boom! Every inch of the room would be on fire. Now that the room was closed, smoke began filling the room at a fast rate, making it harder for me to breathe. I looked at Karina, then back at the room… I knew we had less chances of survival but still I couldn’t lose hope. If I would die, then I would die fighting the flames, definitely not like a coward sitting at the corner of the room waiting to get burned. I had to prove myself that I was actually worth it. That I was actually worth the Jade Gem I got. That I was actually worth being the hero who would end up sacrificing to save the world. That I can do it. That I can survive.

You’ve got it. You can do it, James, I told myself. As Karina was passed out, there was no sense in trying to wake her up… I had to carry her out of the room. I slipped my hand under her waist and her neck, muttering ‘sorry’ beforehand because I knew that she was going to kill me if she got to know that I carried her like that. But saving a friend was worth getting killed by that friend.

I lifted her up in my arms (damn—she was heavier than I thought she would be) and began looking around the room, trying to find an exit. I coughed, trying hard to breathe, I scanned the room for a way to get out but nothing seemed clear. All I could see was the door in front of me and rest everything was on fire. On top of that, the room was now full of smoke and I was hardly able to inhale even the smoke, let alone some fresh air. I knew that trying to get out through that door would be of no use but as I couldn’t find any other way, I decided that I would try getting out through the door even if it meant that I would die before even reaching it.

I was just about to move when the place I was standing on caught fire too, burning my toes. I shrieked and I was taken aback, I would have been on the floor if I hadn’t been expecting a burn like that. Infact, I was expecting a burn as in a deadly burn soon enough. Looking around at all that fire reminded me of my not-so-great fire…

I was standing right there, frozen right in my tracks. Right in front of a huge fire, crying my eyes out as any other 12 year old would do as I saw my best friend burn right in front of my eyes… The best friend whom I treasured more than my own life. Her screams echoed throughout the forest but no one came to help her.

“Kat!” I screamed but there was no reply. I knew there won’t be any reply. I knew that she wasn’t there anymore. She was gone. She was dead.

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