Chapter 30- Black & White

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My day could never have gone worser. Caught by Hades’s men, kept in a cellar, blurting out about our friends’ weakness and now getting dragged back into the cellar by those huge men. I back scraping against the cold floor, making me feel cold and hot (because of the force of friction acting upon my body) at the same time. Moreover, it was painful. No honestly, you never want your back scraping against the cold, rough floor below you. James was groaning beside me who ofcourse was getting dragged too.

“Are you okay?” He mouthed.

“You think so?!” I mouthed back.

“We need to get out of here. What do we do?” He asked.

“We’ll see later, first let’s get dragged properly.” I replied.

Ugh, I didn’t want to get dragged anymore.

“Uh, Mr. Oaf sir? Can you please stop dragging us? You know we can always wa—AHHHH!” I shrieked as the man tossed me into a dark place. And by tossing, I mean tossing like I was legit in the air for few miliseconds before I fell on the hot-like-fire floor with a thud.

“Hey! You shouldn’t toss us like that! Where are your manners, you oaf?” James shouted at the giant-ish man who just grumbled in response.

“And why is the floor suddenly so hot?” I asked. The half-giant replied with ‘Grrrmmmbbrrrr’ which made TOTAL sense.

“Do you know anything except your ‘Grrrrs’?” James asked for which the half-giant replied with… OH MY GOD! NO WAY! HE REPLIED WITH A… ‘Grrrrfffrrrrbbbrrrrmmm’.

What else did you except?

“No you don’t. Ugh, will you let us go? I mean—” Before he could complete her sentence, the half-giant turned and left.

“Idiots don’t even have basic manners.” I rolled my eyes.

“Ouch, ouch! This floor is getting hotter and hotter! How can it be so hot when it has literally water spilled on it? Oh ofcourse, this is Underworld so anything can happen here.” He exclaimed.

“Forget about that, we need to figure our way out. What should we do?” I asked.

“I asked you the same question some minutes ago, ma’am.” He replied.

“Ugh, do I have to do all the thinking? I hate it.” I spoke.

“No really, I’ll do all tha—” He was interrupted by loud thumping noises.

Two half giants walked in the room, one from the others side of the cellar and one from the gate from which we were tossed in from. One of them came near us and began unlocking our chains.

“What’s going on? Why are you unlocking us?” I asked, confused. Once he was done, he smiled and backed off.

“Are you siding with us?” James asked but they didn’t reply. Once both of them were out of the room, one of them locked the door from which we had entered. I turned to look at the other half-giant and he was also smiling, waving something that looked oddly similar to an automatic car key. I still didn’t get what was going on when the half-giant clicked the button. On my left, a door which we didn’t even realise was there began to open with a creak.

“Oh he is definitely not siding with us… But wait. What’s coming out of the other door?” He asked, pointing at the door from which something was coming out. I couldn’t see it, but I definitely could feel it’s aura.

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