Chapter 9- I Hate Falling

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Have you ever imagined how you are keeping yourself sane? Like ever ever? Well, I am doing that right now. If you can imagine a situation where your Gem Spirit is shouting in your mind, some super-fast Centaurs chasing you, a weird cave with a railway track coming out of it standing in front of you, and the voice of an angry God piercing your ears, then you certainly know what I am talking about.

“Oh yes. That was exactly what we needed right now.” Eric said sarcastically. He could be sarcastic too? I didn’t know, but whatever it is, he is great.

“Guys! These Centaurs are not slowing down anymore. Don’t you think we should get going?” Leo asked from somewhere behind which alerted Amy as she turned her back towards the cave and began shooting arrows at the Centaurs, once again.

“C’mon. Let’s check out the Cave till Amy and Leo keep those Centaurs busy.” Eric said as he moved towards the cave and I followed him.

In a few steps, we were right at the point where the railway track starts which wasn’t much far away from the cave. We followed the track but suddenly, at some point we couldn’t move forward. I was confused and thought probably I was mistaken or tired, so I tried to step forward once more, but it seemed as if some invisible barrier was stopping us from going any further. I looked up in confusion and found Eric also facing the same problem.

“Don’t tell me that you are also not able to move any further.” I said.

“Okay, I won’t.” He said.

“Stop joking around!” I exclaimed.

“Okay, okay fine. So, what do we even do?” He asked.

“We were able to walk properly until we reached the entrance of the cave. That means… we are not able to enter the cave.” I said, trying to think of some awesome solution for this solution-less problem.

“Mmm… Yes. Wait, I wonder what this railway track is for? It must have some purpose if it is coming out of such an important cave.” Eric said.

“DO WHATEVER YOU HAVE TO DO FAST! THESE CENTAURS ARE ALMOST ON US!” I heard Leo shout and I turned to find him in a fist (or shall I say fist-claw fight?) with him on the floor and the Centaur over him, Amy trying to bring him his shield, but another Centaur charged at her and soon she was on the ground. In short, the situation was not good, and we had to think faster.

“We need to think fast—” I started but I stopped when I heard a loud thump. I was quite startled and so were the others. Amy did the mistake to look at what had happened instead of fighting and the Centaur took the advantage and raised his feet and punched her in her stomach, hard. Amy growled in pain but still kept on fighting. For the first time, I was feeling sorry for her.

“Roselle, see!” Eric shouted as he pointed towards somewhere in front of me. I looked at where he was pointing and found a trolley kind of thing with four seats in it and an owl carved on its side, standing on the railway track which certainly wasn’t there a moment ago.

“Why did it—Oh I see… We need to use this trolley to enter the cave through the railway track! We can’t go walk through the cave, we need to have a ride.” I exclaimed as I realised.

“Come on, Leo and Amy! Hop in.” Eric said.


“Oh yes. We need a little bit help here!” Leo said.

Eric and I made our way towards them and began fighting the Centaurs. I slashed my sword over the Centaur which punched Amy leaving a deep scratch on his upper body with blood gushing out of it. He staggered and was taken aback by the quick attack. But soon he recovered and tried to throw me down on the ground for which he raised his front legs but before he could do anything, I cut an arc with my sword in the air which almost cut down the Centaurs feet but thankfully, his feet just got injured instead of detaching from his body.

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