Chapter 12- The Isle of Blest

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“How long has it been since they have gone?” Karina asked.

“I think more than half-an-hour…” I replied.

“What do you think we should do right now?” Karina asked.

“Umm… Now that we are done with our breakfast and we don’t have any battle in the coming week, so I think there is only one thing left to do.” James said.

“Finding more about the Ma- I mean, The Other World.” Karina spoke.

“Mmm… yes but I wonder if anyone would know about that world here.” I said.

“Ofcourse they would know!” Karina exclaimed.

I looked at her totally puzzled.

“How do you know that they would know?” I asked.

“What do you mean?” Karina asked.

“I mean, how do you know there would be someone who knows about it here? You know, it doesn’t seem like any dead person from there ever came here.” I said slowly.

“Hey! That’s not true. Many dead people come here from that world too! It’s just that people don’t know about each other’s worlds except a few who are meant to know about it for a special reason.” Karina said.

“Why are you so certain?” I asked.

“Um- I- I mean… isn’t it obvious? How is it possible that a person didn’t die in that world in past thousands and millions of years?” Karina said hesitantly.

“But—” Before I could complete my sentence Karina shouted, “Are you seriously doubting me? I didn’t expect that from you.”

“I-I didn’t mean to—” But she again interrupted me.

“Whatever and now shut up and follow me. I might know someone who would know about the place.” Karina grabbed my hand and began running so fast that I was taken aback.

I mean, how could she run so fast? You know, this is certainly not the speed of a normal human being. I am pretty sure that she isn’t any normal person. Either she is Usain Bolt no. 2 who runs at least 5 times more than him or she is a creature from the Realm or… Why does it sometimes seem as if she is not from the Realm or the Corporeal world? Seems as if she is from… Oh no, that’s not possible but it still is. Ugh, I hate it when I am so confused. I frowned at her. Why is she so difficult to read? Even though I don’t have my Gem right now but… I still get to know at least something about the person I meet, naturally. But Karina… she is different. All I can make out of her face and behaviour that she has been separated from some people very close to her heart and that she is extremely sad but she tries her best not to show.

In I think next 30 seconds, Karina stopped suddenly and I almost bumped into her. If she wasn’t holding my hand tightly then I would have ended up in the crystal clear pond which happened to be located right beside me. Look, its not that the pond was dirty or something but I just don’t like getting wet. And yes, I do take bath. I hate getting wet doesn’t mean that I don’t take bath. Ofcourse I do but bathing and falling into a pond are two different things… However, I looked up to find myself standing in front of a small but beautiful house which was painted in white with large windows with red, lace curtains. Honestly, if the size of that house would have been any bigger then I would have assumed it to be a palace. From what I could make from the exterior, the place was no less than a palace from the inside.

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