Chapter 44- Revenge

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"Ready?" Adrien asked.
"Yeah, definitely." I replied.
"Let's go!" We shouted in unison and charged towards the monster.
The aura of that monster was still heaving me down but does it matter? No. I couldn't care less even if it would crush me to death. All that mattered right now was revenge. The fire which was once there in me on that day, lit up again. Nothing mattered in the world to me more than killing this idiot.

"Aiden! Adrien! Watch out!" Charlotte's voice echoed in my ears.
Instinctively, I ducked just in time, my body could feel the presence of the tail of that monster passing above my head. I turned to look at Adrien and thankfully, he ducked in time too.
"Are you two sure you want to join in the fight?" Grace asked. He was panting, his shirt was in tears, just one or two more strikes and it would fall off. His face was covered in diet and small scratches, while his right arm had a big scar on it.
"You're really saying that? Look at all your conditions first. You'll all die if we don't help." I spoke.
"You'll die too if you come, though!" Said Thomas. Oh gosh, I can't even talk about his condition. A huge scar was on his face, running on the right side of his eyes. His hair were all messed up and he was clenching the left side of his stomach, blood was gushing out of the injury.
"Look who's caring for us now. Grace, you better treat his wound right there, he's losing a lot of blood." Adrien spoke.
Grace nodded and he walked up to Thomas and began healing him.

During all this, the dragon made snother attempt to crush us with his tail. This time, we felt the presence of his tail on our own without a warning. I ducked and waited for the tail to come in front of me, as soon as it did I jumped in the air and slashed his tail into two. On the other hand, Adrien did the same. The dragon howled loudly.
"It's tail will grow back, remember?" I asked Adrien.
"Yeah, I have an experiment to do. Let's see if it'll succeed." He replied as he moved towards the tail which was already slowly growing back, and pulled back his sword and oushed it into the bare flesh. The dragon let out another howl and surprisingly, the tail stopped growing out again.
"It succeeded!" I exclaimed.
"All those years of experience finally helped!" He exclaimed.
"Don't get all too happy guys, the dragon is still alive, remember?" Charlotte said while she tried to strangle the dragon using a digital hand. But the dragon fought back and crushed the hand into... nothing using his claws.
He swinged his sharp claw at Charlotte but she dodged and stepped back.

"I have a plan. You all, disable him first! Cut off both of his claws so that he won't attack again. Then... I think we'll have to use that technique, again." I said.
"Ugh! I don't want to feel that again!" Adrien complained.
"Nor do I bro, but if that killed Father then it can definitely kill this idiot monster." Aiden said.
"Mhmm but for now, let's transform. I know. We don't want to use those powers of ours but we'll HAVE TO. I mean, look at those claws. It'll be much more difficult to cut those off as compared the tail." Adrien said.
"You're right. I'll take on the front left claw." I spoke.
"Then I'll take the front right claw." Charlotte said.
"I'll go for the other one at the back, the right right." Thomas said.
"Then I'll take the left one." Grace said.
"Okay then, I'll try to distract that thing." Adrien said.

Once the posts were assigned, the others charged while mr and Adrien stayed beind to transform. The best thing to transform to right now, would be our original Gumiho form.
I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and tried to recall how I used to turn into a Gumiho. I focused on the image of myself as a Gumiho. A fox with bright orange fur, with Nine Tails protruding at the back, a terrifying yet a familiarly good smirk on his face popped up in front of my eyes. In less than a second, I felt my body changing. First of all, fire and anger began flowing throughout my body. My hand turned to a claw, my nails grew out, I felt orange hair sprouting out of my body and a tail sprouted out of... well you know from where, I don't need to mention ofcourse. I felt my body change completely.
The anger and the feeling of revenge settled up on me even more heavily.
I opened my eyes quickly and let put a little growl. I looked at Adrien, he had transformed too, our eyes made a contact and we nodded.
With that, I charged. It was my first time as a Gumiho after a long time, but still, I was astonishingly good right now.
I was running at a very high speed, aiming right at the claw of the dragon.

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