Chapter 46- Axel?!

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“GRACE. NO MORE HEALING, GOT IT?” Eun shouted in my ears.

“And why are you saying that?” I asked. Seriously, half the time, I cannot understand what he says.

“Because I am exhausted!” He shouted.

“But aren’t you a spirit?” I asked.

“So? Not like only humans get exhausted! You know how much exhausting it is to listen to you stupid mind all day, then deal with you when you use your powers, then you get all messed up and tired but still are not over healing yourself or the others? Like bro, calm down! You cannot heal someone all day! Healing is one of your powers, which means you’ll exhaust yourself if you use too much, it can even result in your death.” He explained.

“Hmm, explains why all the muscles in my body are dying to kill me right now. Fine then, I am done healing everyone right now so I guess no more healing.” I said.

“Good boy.” Eun declared.

Not like I needed that compliment, I already knew that my whole existence was the best.

Loud growling sounds brought me back to reality… And damn, thank gosh I never missed this sight.

Aiden and Good-For-Nothing-Adrien were now turned into full-fledged Gumihos (Aiden looked so cool as a Gumiho! And… unfortunately, so did Adrien). They were racing towards the dragon, all ready. Although, they were in their Gumiho form… I doubted that they would be able to defeat a dragon that huge. And that was when it happened.

Bright orange vapour came out of the two of them and joined to form the head of a huge fox. Actually no, it was the head of a Gumiho, it looked more blood-thirsty, fierce and cunning. And did I mention that the head was as big double the size of the head of the dragon? Like literally.

Everything suddenly seemed so interesting that I couldn’t even blink, afraid that I’d miss some exciting moment. It felt as if I was watching some kind of movie. My eyes widened as I watched them advance towards the dragon’s head. I waited for them to divert or do some crazy trick but they kept running straight towards the head… OH NO NO NO!


It was done. The head of the dragon got cracks and in less than a second, the crack spread to the whole body of that dragon and it soon burst into small pieces. They had head-slammed the dragon. It wasn’t only that vapour-Gumiho that head-slammed it but also the two of them. They could never have survived the impact… My heart sunk at that thought. I rushed towards them, without saying a word.

The vapour-Gumiho was gone, and so was the dragon. All that lied on the ground now were the remnants of the dragon and the two bodies of Aiden and Adrien which had turned back to their human form as soon as they hit the ground. I knelt beside them, my hands shaking as I reached for their necks and… their pulse was as light as if it’d vanish any moment now.

They were covered in dust and scratches and a pool of blood was formed near both of their heads. They weren’t moving. I knew that their condition was too serious, I knew that I won’t be able to heal them alone since I have exhausted my powers. My heart sunk, I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t think of anything. My hand trembled as I wept quietly. However much I hated Adrien, I could never want him to die. Not like this, even if it was a death of hero.

“Guys, what’s going o—WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM?!” Lisa’s voice echoed behind me.

How did she get there? I didn’t know. I didn’t care, really. She came running and knelt next to me. Her hands trembled just like mine. Her eyes were wide in shock and her face was already covered in tears. She hesitantly picked Adrien’s head and kept it on her knees.

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