Truth of the ski trip

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I had officially gotten a mostly full time job. I got my PT qualification so I was officially a personal trainer as well as a sport and fitness blogger. It did mean that I was spending a lot more time and the gym but I didn't mind.

Somehow Alex and I ended up on this night out with Stephanie, Ollie, Jamie and Frankie. I'm pretty sure it was a gay club but Alex and I were having a great time dancing with each other and everyone was having fun so I didn't care.

At one point, Frankie and I were dancing on a table together.

"Do you trust him?" I asked her as we walked away from the bar and she was looking over at him.

"Yeah, I don't know. I, like, have suddenly got over it really fast."

"He definitely really cares about you and I do have hopes for him." We both laughed a little and then I continued. "I know he has a bad past, but Alex had a shit past. I mean, he literally cheated on my sister in a very disgusting way that I don't really want to think about ever again. I just kind of got over it, because you do just get over it."


"Once he continuously proves that he's moved on from his past, you'll move on from his past too." I reassured her.


"But hopefully nothing else comes out the woodwork because he does really care you."

Lucy invited me out for coffee with her and Fraser and it was nice to see him because I didn't get many chances to actually hang out with him. Unfortunately, I had to leave them early because I had work.

Binky and JP were hosting a party in the country, so after work, I went home and changed before heading down with Alex.

Binky and JP were hosting a party in the country, so after work, I went home and changed before heading down with Alex

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Word had gotten back to me that on the Skiing trip, Jamie had basically hooked up with a girl. It kind of pissed me off because obviously he had gotten so annoyed at me but he was in the wrong all along. I had a mini rant to Alex about it but quickly got over it because it wasn't really my issue.

Binky had invited Steph so the tension was very apparent when I was stood talking to Lucy and Steph was looking over at us from across the room.

I saw Frankie looking kind of upset so I had a bad feeling I knew what happened. I went in to the next room and found Jamie.
"Hello darling." I walked over and kissed both his cheeks.

"Hey Belle."

"I want you to know that since that day out I have not said a word about you to anyone- not Frankie, not anyone."

"No, I know. I was actually the one that told her." He rubbed his face. "I just need some air." He kissed my cheek and walked out.

I knew he needed to talk someone to talk to so I went to Alex. "Hey bubba."

"Hey babe." He kissed me. "What's wrong?"

"I just spoke to J but he pretty much instantly walked outside. He seemed pretty upset."

"What happened?"

"Jamie obviously told her about the skiing trip." I sighed. "Obviously I hate talking about that trip because you fucked up as well but I'm not dwelling on that because I love you. But J isn't a good place right now and he needs someone that kind of understands I guess."

"I am so sorry about what happened and-"

"It's okay, like, we've had it out and I'm over it. I love you so much and we never have to talk about that again because I genuinely do forgive you." I kissed him. "I think you should go find Jamie."

"Yeah, I will find you later." He kissed me again and walked off.

The only reason I forgave Alex for getting with someone else on the skiing trip was that he was obscenely drunk and told me straight away... and he grovelled. A lot.

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