Just bizarre

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Frankie invited Harry and I to drinks with her and Habbs which I felt a little weird about because of the rumours but they're both my friends so we decided to go.

"I think I want to get another puppy." I said as we walked down the street.

"You want another dog?"

"Yeah. I love Benji and I want to get another puppy so he has a friend."

He chuckled. "If you want to get another one then go for it. Would you rescue again?"

"Obviously. I'm not ever gonna have a pet that I haven't rescued." I told him as we walked into the little cafe place.

"Hello girls." Harry smiled at Habbs and Frankie. "How are we?"

"Hi." Habbs waved at me slightly.


"Hey, Frank, haven't seen you in a while." Harry kissed both her cheeks before moving round the empty seat next to Habbs and I sat by Frankie.

"I'm having a really spicy Bloody Mary." Habbs said. "Frankie really loves hers."

"What have you guys been doing?" Frankie questioned.


"In general." Frankie half shrugged. "I haven't seen either of you in ages."

"I know. But we did speak the other day on the phone." I remembered.

"Well, obviously, Bella and I are as happy as ever." Harry grinned but it kind of faded when he looked at Frankie. "I actually want to talk to you about something which I find just extremely bizarre. Um, so, Mimi has basically been going around saying that, like, we've been, like, setting or some rubbish."

"Me and you?" Frankie looked confused.

"Yeah, how ridiculous is that? I mean, in terms of the way that we speak, I don't think it's inappropriate or deemed as inappropriate..."

"I mean, we definitely haven't sexted, that's weird." Frankie confirmed. "I've never seated a guy in my life."

"Sexting is honestly kind of gross." I grimaced slightly at the thought. "Has she just literally plucked that from thin air?"

"Yeah, it wasn't sexting." Frankie repeated.

"Do you speak inappropriately?" Habbs thought aloud. "Maybe that's where it's got twisted. Have you ever said anything inappropriate to Frank?"

Harry furrowed his brows slightly. "No. We don't speak inappropriately- like, we don't talk. I haven't spoken to you in over a month."

"Do you think he has?" Habbs asked Frankie in a way that made me think she knew something and that thought was pretty much confirmed when Frankie laughed awkwardly and played with her hair.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Oh, Frankie, if you think I've spoken to you inappropriately, that is embarrassing."

"No, no, no, no, you made one comment which wasn't, like... it was funny but it was, like..."

"What was the comment?" Habbs asked even though I had a feeling she already knew.

"Come on, you've gotta tell me now." I told her.

"What was the comment Frankie?" Harry asked her seriously.

"No, you said, like: If I didn't love Bella, I'd try it on with you every day."

I properly gasped.

"What? Is that a joke?" Harry's jaw dropped slightly.

"At least he said he loves you though." Habbs tried to make me feel better. "At least he said he loved you in it."

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