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Alex had organised for a bunch of us to go to Tuscany. Obviously Harry and I weren't turning that down but I did feel guilty because Sam was not in a good place. The trip was for Sam but he could barely get out the house.

I walked through this little vineyard with Molly who was Digby's sister. Digby being Liv's new kind of boyfriend.

We looked over at the beautiful views of Tuscany as we waited for Harry and Alex.

"Buongiorno!" Harry exclaimed as they got off their silly Vespas.

"You guys took ages." I laughed at them.

"Hope we were worth the wait though." Harry smirked.

"You look quite Italian to be fair." Molly complimented Alex.

"Have you guys ever been to Tuscany before?" Alex wondered.

"No, never." Molly shook her head.

"I actually haven't." I shook my head as well.

"Slightly weird that the guy I arranged the whole trip for isn't here." Alex sulked a little.

"He's an idiot, literally." Harry commented. "He's be loving it if he was here."

"I kind of get it though. It's his first proper break up and he just needs time to figure his shit out in London before he can brave the world again." I said and then my phone started buzzing. "It's Princey."

"Why the fuck is Sam Prince texting you?" Harry didn't look happy at all.

"What did he say?" Alex asked.

"Hey Belles, don't know if you're already in Italy but hope you have a good holiday. We should go out for drinks or something when you get back. Have a good time, Princey." I read the message aloud.

"Who's this Sam Prince guy? What's the situation?" Molly questioned.

"It's quite complicated but basically he tried to fuck up our relationship." Harry gestured between himself and I.

"I don't think he tried to fuck up our relationship." I defended him. "He just got caught in a very shit situation which he did have a hand in creating."

"I just don't get why the fuck he's messaging you." Harry shrugged.

"Because we're still friends." I sighed and texted him back.

We went into Siena and Harry and I went to get ice cream. I got cookie dough and he got chocolate.

"Try some of this." He tried to feed me some of his ice cream.

"You're gonna drop it on me." I laughed and pulled away before eating it and I then fed him some of mine.

We sat down on the stone steps and it was a little bit awkward.

"Do you wanna talk about the Princey situation?" I asked somewhat nervously.

"I just don't understand why he's messaging you."

"At Liv's exhibition, I spoke to him and Toff and basically said that I don't think people are treating fairly and I was just like: don't feel awkward with me, we're still friends."

"Why do you want to be friends with a guy who tried to fuck up our relationship and who fucked over your best friend?"

"Because I feel bad for him. Yeah, he messed up but I don't think he's a bad kid. I like hanging out with him occasionally and he's actually quite nice to talk to."

"I'm not sure if I'm okay with you and Sam Prince being best buddies after everything that's happened."

"We aren't best buddies." I corrected him. "I made it very clear that I was going to be respectful of the fact you probably wouldn't be okay with it but I'm my own person. You can't chose who I'm friends with."

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