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Chapter 7 — Bother


I cried when I reached our apartment. Lesley was worried, while looking at me.

"Well, can you tell what happened?" she asked me sincerely, but I just can't say it to her.

It really hurts.

"Bes. He let me feel that I'm his only girl. I'm his world, without knowing what he is." I brokenly uttered. She hugged me and my tears fell out from my eyes.

Now he was right. I'm now eating my words.

I'm starting to fall in love with him.

Because if I haven't fall for him, like it used to, that I don't care what he will do to his life, this won't happen to me. If he wants to make out with someone, then make out. If he wanted to play with other girls, then play.

But what happened right now is the reverse one.

I was hurt eventhough I must not.

But now, I'm so down. It means, the kiss he did to me doesn't make sense? That I'm just one of his toys !?

I was stunned to be angry with him. He doesn't even bother to follow me! Arghhh damn him!

Now I'm worried. I don't know myself anymore. If I'm going nearer to him, I'll fall too! Knowing him that he is not participating!

He always thinks of himself. His self-happiness, his ownself, his world only revolves around himself. Nothing more, nothing less.

I just wept all night. I can't imagine myself, falling to him. Falling to a guy that is hard to deal with. Hard to understand with.

The next morning was another day. I'm starting to wear my uniform, so that I can start my day a fresh new start. Eventhough my eyes were at the bad condition because of crying, but it really makes sense somehow.

I hate him. I hate him so damn much. I don't like him. Before, I really didn't like him, but now, my walls are broken. He already enter in my drastic kingdom. He's now making me crazier even more!

I don't really know how to face him anymore. I don't know how. If I can just ditch my class, I would really do.

I’m really trying not to get close to him, even just today. Lesley, left the house for a while so I went first. I even heard she's talking to someone a while ago before I come up here.

I'm going straight to walk to my classroom. I couldn’t even look to my sides. With my head bowed down, I'm managing to walk into my room, without meeting Akihiro along the way.

I sighed when I reached my room. Fortunately, even though his parent was one of the stakeholders in the school, he didn't manage to go bother me inside my room.

I sat down in my chair. I took a deep breath. And I just watched those peeps, who are busy outside, doing their tasks. Some cleaned the field. Some are playing. Some just don't mind, and some just do chit chats.


I was a little surprised when someone greeted me. I breathe out in relief. Even when it's an intermittent to eh.

"Morning." I managed to smile, but frowned. I think he got a point inside his mind.

"Is there a problem? I think you're lethargic?" he asked me. Unbelievable. Even if I want to blush, I can't. I no longer blush at Haya’s lines.

Cause he is bothering me so damn much.

I sighed and faced him. "Uhhh. Just a bit. I can manage." I would have avoided him by shifting my seat when he held my hand. Instead of being able to stand up, he stopped me.

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