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Chapter 37 — Unravel

Hanabi Zein's PoV

I looked at the windows to see the plains we are heading. I don't know what may happen this day but, I verily wish that we could take them home safe and sound.

It was yesterday since I dreamed the book I had got into. It was the same book I was reading in the library. It was the Scarlet Flower. However, it turned out that we are the characters in the story. I don't know but, by why is that so? Are we reincarnated? Will the ending of the book would also happen to us?

I was about to reach the end but, the dream, it wasn't finished. I just woke up with Helcurt and Klein by my side, saying that they already filled up the blood bag.

I saw how they soak the bullets in my blood. The crimson-colored blood that I had, was now covering every bullets that we brought. I saw how the road was getting steeper and the trees are already at the both sides. The three of us were silent. No one dared to talk. We could only hear the car moving and taking up the road.

"Did you bring the cops?" Helcurt asked Klein at the passenger seat. He initiated to talk for this matter is between life and death.

I'm doing this to save him. I'm doing this to save my besties. I'm doing this to give Claude justice.

"Yeah. They would arrive sooner silently as planned." Helcurt nodded as his seriously drive out the creepy road. This is already out-of-town trip, and the most risky action I did.


"I would go with you." I stood up between them. They both glared at me.

"Ya. Zein you know this is too dangerous!" Klein started the fuss.

"Aldous is right. This is too dangerous." He muttered coldly.

"But I want to help!" I retorted. Why? I want to save them!

"But Zein, your blood is already a big help unto us! Don't push yourself this far. This is way out of your control." Klein added but I was too stubborn to listen.

"Look! Don't underestimate me you two. I know I can help! I can be the medic of the team!" I argued to them but Helcurt made me stop.

"How about your son? What if you can't come back? What would you do? Zein?" He said and that made me stopped. My son...

"Think about it, Hanabi." He uttered seriously as he left. Klein tapped my shoulder as he also walked away. I was left in the base all alone. I was so selfish that I started something out of my reach, rather than my son.

I let the two know that I went home. I saw Ling who was playing a MOBA game with him, himself as the character. He told me that Haru was at the room, sleeping. I thanked him and rushed to the room. I went first to our room and I saw Haru, sleeping safe and sound.

He was hugging a pillow so tight. He was a deep sleeper, like his father. And I guess, I can't let him go right now. But my eagerness to save his father, is what I must do.

"Son, I'll be right back. I love you. I'll be back with your dad." I uttered as I kissed him in his forehead. He was sleeping so deep that he couldn't feel it. He is really a mini-replica of his father.

I closed the room and went out. I saw Ling, who was busy with his laptop. My, this workaholic dude.

"Hey Ling. I, I gotta go. Please guard Haru for me." I saw his seriousness and coldness. He was like this on our first encounter. He just look at me and he stared again on his laptop. But, he stopped as he looked at me. I thought he was going to snob me again.

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