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Chapter 28 - A New Him

Hanabi Zein's PoV

I looked at him intently. I saw how he flashed a smile for a bit, before going near to me. I stepped back until I found a chance to run but, I wasn't able to move, not a single step was done.

I saw how desperate he is. Desperation is evident in his shady eyes.  Until that day of despair had come. I was afraid, because I fell-out of love with him.

I loved him to the fullest. I chase him because I love him. But I'm only a human. I bleed. I fall down. How can I endure the pain that he inflicted to mine? Would it be fixed by just talking and talking?

Can even saying "sorry" could fix a brittle plate that shattered in the ground, brokening up the pieces of how it was made? Can every single word of closure can unravel me from the darkness I got with him? No!

"What do you need?" I asked coldly. I saw how he gulped before looking down. I can sense that something is wrong. But, what is it?

"Can we talk outside?" his voice. He is trembling with his shaky husky voice. He is in pain.

I just sighed. Here we go again. Can't he just stop? Because me? I already stopped. It was just him who was a hardheaded one. On the very first step outside, I was shocked on what he did.

He eagerly hug me so tight.

Remember Hanabi Zein, this is only a trap. I know that this is only a lure. There's something behind this dramas.

I was shocked with his scenes right now. Its my first time to see him devastated so much. I felt in my shoulder was tears. Tears coming from his drastic weary eyes. I could hear his sobs.

I wanna be free from this. I don't wanna be like this but he's just too strong than me. I kept on removing his arms but they are too tight. It feels like he doesn't want to let me go.

"Can we just stay like right now?" I could hear his sadness. His voice are broken. Grief is present in his gloomy heart.

"Hanabi Zein. I miss you so much wife," he said in a broken tone. "I thought you only need space for my mistakes, but why is that, you left me?" he continued to cry like a baby. I could feel like I'm crying. I could see his shoulders moving up and down.

"You see how I changed? Yes its true, I had changed for you wife. You know? Our company was on top. I was their boss," his tone went happy. What just happened? "I-i had loved you with all I am even though I'm this stupid jerk." I could say he's so sincere and broken, and there, my tears flowed like a river across. Why does his mood shifted again.

"I'm tired wife. I'm so tired of chasing you that I can do nothing but cry on your shoulder. After all, I'm really hurt. Seeing you with other guys, smiling to them, its hurts here." he pointed his heart.

"I thought, you won't leave me because you make me feel like you're always there." He continued. "I don't have anything to lean on Zein. I'm so broken. I don't know where to start, because, I'm hurt even though I have no rights. Because of me, you even disappeared from my side. But Zein, I love you so much."

He looked at me while his face was covered with tears. I couldn't help but cry and sob because what I was trying to forget, it kept coming back. "Painful. It was all painful. Back then, I was the one making you happy. I'm sure of your feelings toward me. What's more painful was, now you smile at others and not at me. Then, y-you smiled twice as much than when we were together."

"Hanzo, but now is different. Time is already different. The two of us are on a different path now. Look, everything are all right. Please move on." I also cried at what I was saying.

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