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Chapter 34 — Threats and Revelations

Hanabi Zein's PoV

We already came back from the hospital. Its been 2 or 3 days that he was being discharged from the hospital. I could say that he was improving. There would be a time that he would had a panic attack, but once I hug him, he would calm down.

He's being scoring on me already.

I already updated Helcurt and Aldous about this. I promised that I would really give a signal to bring Haru back once again up here in the city. Its just, I don't really know if Hiro deserve to know on his state.

Of course, who would expect a person that would bring his/her son to a psycho?

Until now, Haya was still unfound. But Helcurt, he assured that Haya was ok, like before when he was shot in that night.

At first, I was startled because I can't really believe that he was the one who saved Haya that night. I can't forget that night. I can't really expect that Hiro would do that thing.

He's really scary. He's scary and terrifying in every angle. His looks may deceive you, and unfortunately, he deceived me. I was one of those girls who was deceived by his good looks, by his aura, and everything about him. Even his darkest side.

I was at our balcony right now. I looked around and I realized that many had changed already ever since I left. There are trees everywhere. Our lot was also expanded. Free lots were being built by houses and lastly, our real deal with each other.

I was busy looking everywhere when someone stood by my side.

"Why are you still here?" He asked me while looking at me. There are still marks in his body, that was about to fade sooner or later.

"Why can't I?" I answered him back but he just shut up.

"You should go inside. Its already cold." His tone was different. It was him becoming sweet and cheesy.

"Later." I uttered as I watch the fireflies roam around a tree. I felt that he held my hand with his hand. He gently brush it with his thumb. I could see the veins within his hand, and they are still evident.

I stare at him for a short time. He was staring at our hands for a long time. No one ever dared to talk, but only the crickets sounding that night, and the stars who were shining at us.

"Your hands, they are still smooth and flawless." He uttered in a low tune as he held it with his left hand. I was shocked when I saw his left hand.

Our wedding ring. It was still on his ring finger. I couldn't talk right now. He was just staring at my hand and he sighed afterwards.

"I wish I could still see our ring in your finger, but I guess I can't," he laughed a bit. "I remember that you left it also, together with everything we had." I could sense his tone as he held down my hand just to look from afar.

"To be honest, I was never been badly hurt in my life. It only happened to be in the 25th year of my span." He stated. I looked at him to listen to his arguments. I just want to revive his old self again, but letting him open up.

"I never realized how hard is it that you need to wear a mask everyday, to cover up your true feelings, not until you left me that day." He added. I was about to react but I refrain from doing so.

"So, don't be sorry about everything Zein. I don't deserve those apologies. Its just, everything went out of control. I thought I could handle but, I guess I can't." He just laughed a bit while biting his lower lip.

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