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Chapter 36 — Crimson Flower

Hanabi Zein's PoV

Crimson blood?

How? How can I have it? Since when does my blood color was crimson? Is this a curse or what?

My head! They are all full of questions!

I sighed. I was in my black sweetheart and  skinny jeans. I was very comfortable with jeans. Actually, I do really hate gowns ever since. I like pants, but I hate dresses or gowns. They never suit me.

Why did we get in there?

I saw how Helcurt was communicating with the nurse for my hospital bills. I looked around and these boys are busy. Helcurt was negotiating, Hanakage was at his phone while streaming, Sir Akiro had his dictatorial pose while typing on his phone, while Klein? Oh well Klein...

His arms are on my shoulder. It was quite heavy but I can manage somehow. I saw Helcurt faced Klein with a grumpy look and talked."

"Let's go." He leaded the way as we held our  way out of the hospital. I never seen Haya ever since. Where could he be?

Everyone is still silent. Sir Akiro and Hanakage went to their car while the three of us, goes with Helcurt's car.

We didn't manage to talk about other things except my feeling and how to save Hiro with others. I sighed as I look at the window. While taking the road, I was thinking of something.

What if we just had our own life? What if Hiro doesn't had a mental disorder? What if everything went fine since from the start? What if I never leave him alone?

I shut myself at that thought. Maybe that if I was still by his side in that time, maybe we won't end like this. Maybe he won't be abducted, maybe he would just sing, flexing his back, while he was in his apron and cooking for us, Haru.

If only I had never left him behind.

I need to be strong. I still need to save him. He still needs to see our son. He still needs to live together with us!

"We're already here." Helcurt said. Our attention had diverted him. Klein yawned like he was asleep a while ago.

"My. I should really go back to work sooner." He uttered but Helcurt replied.

"You can come back now. We don't need you." Klein glared at him but Helcurt just smirked. He walked out as he violently slam the car's door. Helcurt enraged.

"You fvcking bastard!" He immediately went down of the car, with an enraging roar. I just shook my head due to their immaturity.

I opened the door as I look around the place. It was a big black somehow stadium? I don't know, but its really way too big.

I saw someone parking from a high speed. I was terrified. My, I'm glad I was being drove by Hanakage once!

And I would never try that again!

I took a glance to Sir Akiro. He was just like nothing!? My, these guys are super weird.

Hanakage went out as he opened the door for Sir Akiro. They immediately walked unto me while they are still staring those two boys that I guess, they lack months on their infantry.

I whistled both of them. We were just looking at them seriously. Like what!? They are still in corporate attires when they did those running around the parking lot.

Helcurt took an one last breath before he stood up. He fixed his necktie as he signal us to follow him. I saw Klein at my side who was still tired of what happened.

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