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Chapter 13 - Before the Wedding

Hanabi Zein's PoV

"You have your mind changed?"

It was early in the morning around 7 A.M.. I already told Hiro that I would be out before our wedding to prepare myself at least. He let me go, provided that I will go back at no time, and he was doing some errands at the same time.

The smell of the morning dew and roasted coffee have been dominating inside me a while ago. While jogging, I can't help but to smile at least, the nature and the environment had kept my vibe for this day.

But, it happened that what happened last night flashed once again, and I could feel like I will burst out in the guy I'm facing right now.

I'm wearing the same outfit I had last night, but the scars he made, struck deeply in my heart and mind. Its just I need someone to open up with, and I'm not expecting at the back of my mind that I would call him.

He is wearing a black t-shirt, printed with the word "Shadowbringer" and simple black trunks. He is wearing a violet-shaded black cap because, he doesn't want to let the people know that he's off the jail and might bring him again inside. He is looking at me intently, waiting for me to talk about what happened last night.

I was still looking at my coffee, bothering on what things I must say unto him. Should I trust him? Can he hide to others what I want to say to him?

"Zein. You are wasting our time with just like that." he grunted so I looked at him, who was looking at me directly. I could see his violet-shaded eyes, hiding from his cap and messed up hair.

"H—he..." I can't utter any word, causing him to look at me with his grunted face while maintaining his dark aura on mine.

"He what?" his dark tone kept serious while grinning towards me.

"He attempted to r—rape me." I can't hide it anymore, but my emotions bursted up. I kept on sobbing while covering my mouth, crying silently inside my hood. I heard he stood up from his chair and sat beside me. He covered me with his broad shoulders, and he let me lean on his chest. I can't stop sobbing.

"Shhh. I'm here... Ease yourself.." he kept on patting me on my back. I sniffed a bit to ease myself but my emotions are bugging me out to tell more.

"H—he's a monster Helcurt... H—he's a monster." I cried more when I remembered what happened last night. Its like a trauma that I couldn't escape with.

I saw how he clenched his fist while comforting me. He suddenly asked.

"What do you want me to do to him?" his dark, baritonic voice creeps me out so I ease myself so that I can talk to him more over.

"No. Helcurt don't do anything reckless." I don't like what he did 3 years ago to Claude. I still don't know their errands but I don't want him to do the same.

"Okay then. What would you do then?" he asked me once again so I loose myself from leaning over him and faced him.

"I will still marry him. No matter what." I could see he glared at me even more.

"After what the fvck he did to you and you would let that fvcking bastard fvcking marry you!? Are you fvcking insane Zein!?" I was shocked when his tone rise up unexpectedly.

"I want him to change. I want him to be a better man for good. I... I love him." I felt how angry he was of my decision.

"Fvck that love! Fvcking change!? Do you fvcking hear yourself Zein!? Stop being fvcking martyr here! You fvcking broke down in the front of me and you would still fvcking love him!? He don't deserve ypur love Zein! I'll tell you." he stood up and heading on his way out of the coffee shop, bringing his cup of coffee held on his left hand. He looked at me once again, he sighed and uttered.

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