V:2 C:6 The Sun Wolf

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(Alright, this is one of my favorite chapters, other then painting the town. Also if the name sounds lame after I finish up this chapter, then I'm gonna change it. But other then that have fun with this chapter.)

(Barbatos's POV)

I was helping out with Team RWBY with the dance set up, because the team responsible took a little bit longer than expected, apparently it was the team that bunny girl is on, the one that save that one day. I keep on forgetting her name, but eh.

"Hey!" I heard Weiss say I just looked over seeing her with two things, with very similar . "Which one should I pick?"

"Aren't they the same color of grey?" I responded in the most confused tone I could ever make.

"Of course, a brute won't understand colors," She walked off, the only thought going though my head was, thats a new one.

"Weiss giving you the cool shoulder?" I heard Yang behind me.

"No, she just asked me what color she should pick, and I just didn't see the different."

"Sounds like her. Hey can you get the other speaker? It's in the truck outside."

"Sure, but first let me shoot you a question?"

"What is it?"

"Do-Do you want to go to the dance together?" I really hate that stutter, so much 

I first just heard a giggle, did I do it wrong? "Yeah, I come with you."

I felt the pain in my heart just fade, just a little.


I came back that the perfect time, right when Yang 'dropped' her speaker, which just bounce her sister. That was something I couldn't miss.

"So, have you picked out a dress yet?" I heard Yang asked her sister.

"What's the point? Who cares about the dance if Blake isn't going?"

"Oh yeah, what is wrong with her?" I asked the whole group.

"We believe-No, we KNOW it's about that Torchwick," Weiss said while getting a tablecloth with a pattern on it.

"Weiss! I thought we agreed: No doilies!" Thats a doilies?

"If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machines!" Just then we heard the doors open, and we then saw Neptune and Sun.

"Your dance is gonna have fog machines?" I swear if Weiss gets all sweet with Neptune...

"We were thinking about it..." Thank you Weiss I couldn't even finish my though.

"That's pretty cool."

"You guys all excited for dress-up?" Sun said to everyone.

"Pfft... Yeah, right!" Ruby said almost careless.

"Laugh all you want. I'll be turning heads tomorrow night!" Yang followed

"I'm gonna ask Ren if he can help me," I said to everyone.

"What are you two wearing?" Weiss asked both Neptune and Sun.

"Uuhhh... this?" Sun said while gestures to his current shirtless outfit.

"Ignore him for he knows not what he says," Neptune said.

"Hey, I may have moved to Mistral, but I grew up in Vacuo. It's not exactly a shirt-and-tie kind of place."

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