Kiryu Suzuki

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Name: Kiryu Suzuki
Age: 17
Ultimate: Tattoo Artist
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 6'0
Birthday: February 9th
Likes: Tattoo Ink, Hedgehogs
Hates: Authority

Kiryu was not someone with a happy home life. Growing up, his mother had a drinking problem and his dad was a drug abuser. His father had died of a drug overdose when he was 9 years old, which left him with his abusive mother and horrible older brother, along with his younger brother and sister.

Kiryus mother was not a pleasant woman to be around. Almost always screaming her head off, and belittling everyone around her. Anything anyone tried to do, that wasn't within what she envisioned for them was never enough.

The only thing outside the abuse that Kiryu and his older brother could bond over was their love for Tattoos and designing some of the best they could. Often sharing different designs together, and learning from one another in both style of design and color theory.

When Kiryu hit 11, his mom was diagnosed with Kidney Failure, and needed to be put on dialysis treatments. This only made her gaslighting, and manipulation worse toward Kiryu. Often fake crying to manipulate his emotions, and his older brother on most occasions beating the crap out of him to vent his frustrations of being forced to slave over their mother.

This only made a chain reaction, that led to Kiryu often yelling at his younger siblings to stop bothering him, and made him extremely reclused yet hyper focused on tattoo design. The only thing that kept his mind from falling apart anymore. The only thing him and his siblings could bond over before everything fell apart.

Eventually, someone took notice of his designs and asked for him to work at their tattoo parlor personally. Much to Kiryus dismay, he decided to just go with it. If it meant his Mother could somehow recover, and maybe the family could reconnect somehow.

Kiryus Tattoo interest began with simple designs at first, that only grew to him beginning to do professional and complex designs for Biker Gangs, Yakuza members, and more.

At best, his designs got a simple Meh at best or Horrible at worst from his own family, which only made his anger and narcissism worse. Always downplaying those below him, or even asking people don't compliment his work and spread lies. He never believed in himself, and not once since his mother was diagnosed, to her death did anyone in his family say they did either.

He never believed in himself, and nobody ever looked him in the eyes and believed in him. That is, until he got an invitation to Extraordinary Minds Academy as the Ultimate Tattoo Artist. Kiryu at first, was hesitant but decided. Whatever, if it means saving my family and finding some reason to believe in myself and make them believe in me. Let it be.

However...Would Kiryu find Redemption in this Academy, and find a reason to believe again...Or will that believing and Hope be crushed right into the ideology of Despair?

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