Chapter 52: Bitter

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Making their way back to the First Area, most of the guards seemed to have retreated with most of the group off and about doing their own things.

"...Shit." Akira muttered, reaching around his waist area for a communicator. "Yumico, do you copy? Where are you?"

"I copy." Lily spoke back. "Miles and I are in the Library as we may have found something important. Over."

"Is Yumico with you?" Akira asked as Lily spoke again sarcastically. "No, obviously its myself. Miles, and my left hand named Yumico keeping us company. Over, dork."

"Ahh. Classic Lily." Akira chuckled. "This is serious though!"

"Serious? Ok, give us the rundown." Lily spoke back.

"Ok, so dont freak out." Akira spoke, as Mayu sighed. "One last trial where we need to figure out why Balhikas the Mastermind behind all of this."

"I- Fuck. Ok, good thing were doin what were doing!" Lily said determined. "Meet us in the Library!"

"Well, can you tell me where Leif and the others-" Mayu asked as Lily spoke again.

"Mr Muscle Cakes? Hes right next to me. That aside though, Luna offered to look around some while Kiryu is trying to investigate as well. Aiden, well even the little guy himself is tryin to help. Kinda reminds me a lot of Kioka."

"You guys find anything? Because my time being there, I found Balhikas journal but what felt like..a small part of it? Along with some Newspaper clippings of that missing father and son who we found dead here." Mayu said, as Lily sighed.

"Ok, so we got that off the table. What exactly should we be looking for?" Lily groaned.

"First off, Yumico. Where is-"

"Here." Yumico spoke up, approaching Akira.

"JESUS CHRIST, WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?!" Akira asked startled.

"Uhhh...I was investigating some of the other areas?" Yumico nervously chuckled. "Regardless, I overheard everything. Balhika intends to make us do one last trial to make us understand why he joined Humanitys Last Hope. ...Its a shame we didnt know his identity coming into this game, but. Good thing weve taken note of what we found in Raidons home."

"Raidon? Oh! Wait, you mean-" Mayu asked, as Yumico nodded. "Correct. Raidon Ishida. The First Mastermind who wiped his memories clean, and had Humanitys Last Hope make a copycat of Akira based on research conducted on Akira as a child. Why Raidon wiped his memory is beyond me, but even then..It never changed what a monster he truly was."

"...God the more I think about it, Akira are you sure youre ok?!" Mayu asked startled.

"Eyup! Never better." Akira nervously chuckled. Before putting on a determined face. "One things for certain though..I still dont get their intentions using that research. Was it because they wanted to study if talent was naturally born or something like that? Better yet. WHY MAKE A COPYCAT OF ME?! Im so perfect as I am, and im adorable."

"Every legend has its keep knockoffs, as Lily would say best. Even id agree with that sentiment." Yumico gave a small smile.

"Ah! Oh cmon, not you too!" Akira chuckled, turning red from the embarassment.

"Anywho, lets get to the Library. Id like to discuss with the others what we found and decide from there who were going to bring to the Trial with us." Yumico clarified, as the three made their way over to the Library. Looking to the Candymaker Lab, Mayu stopped for just a moment.

"....Actually, is it alright if..I investigate his Ultimate Lab? Balhikas anyways." Mayu clarified, as Akira turned to Yumico. "Yumico, you mind going with her? Maybe Lily too?"

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