Intermission 1

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7 months had passed ever since everything had happened. 6 months since Akira escaped from that hellscape of a Killing Game, with the 6 that he escaped with.

A news report from inside the home of Zenkichi Odashi on the television played, whilst everyone plus new friends they had made surrounded it.

"In other news, the Killing Games run by a criminal organization named Humanitys Last Hope came to an end as of today 6 months ago. Or rather, only one of them came to an end. The Underground Killing Game as it's been labeled by authorities. Joining us is the father of one of the victims, Zenkichi Odashi. Father of Akira Odashi, the former Ultimate Gamer. Now known on many forums as the Ultimate Hero."

As an interview played out on TV, one of the new faces in the group spoke. A boy named Daichi.

"Hey, so where the hells that gamer guy you guys and Akito talk about so much? " Daichi muttered.

The room went silent as this question was asked. "Daichi, in case you...haven't gotten the memo." Yumico spoke. "He's in need of some time for himself. You recall earlier, he..separated himself?"

"Yeah, and?" Daichi asked. "He should be a part of this group meeting, and yet he's isolating."

The boys brother, Aikotsu jabbed Daichi in the arm. "Do you not remember?!" He muttered under his breath.

"Oh. Wait, yep now I recall why." Daichi spoke, as Riku rolled his eyes. "You could have some more fuckin sympathy you know."

"Perhaps I can try talking to him." The muscular boy of the group spoke, named Nakano. "After all, perhaps all he needs is someone to listen and understand right now. On a friendship level of course."

"Hey, I wasn't worried you were gonna make a move!" Mitsuko exclaimed, with a bit of anxiety to his voice. "I mean, you got Miles and all."

"And they make a cute couple dammit!" Lily and her childhood friend Suga said in unison, before gasping.

"JINX!" Lily shouted. "You owe me a Soda, motherfucker."

"AHH DAMMIT! Shit, you're right." Suga groaned.

"C-Cmon you guys, you don't gotta say it out loud!" The nervous librarian, Miles spoke hiding under the table.

Nakano looked to the group, as Kioka walked up to Nakano. "M-Mr Nakano, do you promise you'll..Help Akira feel all better? Because...Akira helps me when I'm down, and.."

"I promise." Nakano said determined, with a friendly smile.

Nakano made his way up to where Akira was, on the roof watching the stars. As Nakano finally got up and saw Akira, he noticed Akira was drawing. Listening to music, and..silent as ever.

Akira was doodling away in a book, drawing out a class portrait of everyone together from his memory, as a means to remember everyone well. Around the point he finished his design of Junpei, he felt his hands shaking.

"I keep telling myself I'm fine after losing you, but why do I keep lying? Especially today of all day's?" Akira muttered to himself, not aware Nakano was listening in. He took a sigh. "No. I can't let myself sink more. Because...I promised, even after I left. I'm gonna become stronger."

"Akira?" Nakanos voice rang, as Akira jumped in fright. "AHHH! Oh! S-Sorry. You scared me a bit. What are you doing up here?"

"Your friends were worried about you." Nakano mentioned quietly. "I wanted to make sure for myself you were alright. May I sit?"

"Y-Yeah of course." Akira stuttered, letting the muscular sit aside from him cross legged and eyes closed. "If you have feelings of frustration built up, you're free to tell me. I don't intend to judge, but listen instead."

Extraordinary Minds: Abysses Unknownजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें