Trinity Ray

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Name: Trinity Ray
Age: 17
Ultimate: Beautician
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 5'9
Birthday: February 22nd
Likes: Makeup, Money
Hates: Quitters, Fried Food


From the very beginning of when she was born, Trinity always hated her image. Her mother was a self absorbed manipulative whore that cheated on Trinitys father multiple times, and took everything in the divorce. As Trinity grew older, she became desperate and poor along with her father. Barely any money to eat good food, no chance to have good clothes. It became too much, that eventually Trinity was abandoned in a park and left for dead. Little did she know..her father committed suicide by jumping in front of a train.

Trinity was eventually found alone by a rich couple, who adopted her and fed her as much as she could eat, and gave her nice clothing to wear. Due to this, by the time Trinity turned 14 and was hitting puberty, it was not kind to her whatsoever.

"Fat Cow"

"Ugly ass Whore"

"Dirty Skank"

These were just some of the multiple and very disgusting nicknames the other girls in school called Trinity. It even led to eventually, a boy asking her out as a dare by his friends and gaslighting her into believing he loved her for everything she was. Until one night..all of that came to a crash, and led to something he did that was unforgivable he was dared to do, and led to one word that rang in her ears for days..


Trinity was pregnant with her rapists child. This destroyed her self confidence and made her broken, which led to relentless bullying from many of her peers after the boy himself made accusations that she was the one who made the move. The abuse got so bad, that during a random trip to the bathroom in school..became nothing but red, and so many tears.

Desperate to make herself feel good about herself again, Trinity decided one day to use her mother's makeup. When she did, and was caught..her mother wasn't mad at her. In fact, her mother was blown away by how good Trinity pulled it off, and wanted to help her daughter.

Her adopted mother who was in the makeup industry, even told her her own personal beauty story. She was involved in a severe car wreck that left behind many scars. Hence, her wearing makeup all the time. This made Trinity no longer jealous of her mother, and her beauty..but inspired. Inspired to make something to help her mother, and many girls just like her feel proud of their image.

Trinity decided to do makeup blogs on the internet. Trying multiple new techniques and getting multiple sponsors for beauty and makeup based products. Eventually, Trinity managed to lose a majority of the weight and hide her multiple acne scars on her face she hid for years. She took up healthy eating, and became a beauty advocate along with helping many girls like her bring out the real them.

During one of Trinitys Makeup live-streams, her mother came into her room squealing with excitement and showed Trinity what she was acting so excited for. An acceptance letter to Extraordinary Minds Academy as the Ultimate Beautician.

Saying her goodbyes, her adopted father left her with a simple nod of acceptance while her mother applauded her and cheered her on. Promising that when she graduates, they can start a makeup line and help change the makeup industry.

Little did Trinity know though..this wasn't an acceptance letter to her future. This was an acceptance letter to her possible demise.

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