Hiro Katzune

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Name: Hiro Katzune
Age: 16
Ultimate: DJ
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 5'10
Birthday: November 27th
Likes: Record Tables, Loud Music
Dislikes: Failure

Hiro was always one with ambition and hope to the future. Always enthusiastic, and wanting to do his best at anything he did. However, his home life would prevent him from getting a chance to do so. Being an only child and the child of a single mother desperately struggling to make ends meat for them both, while struggling with heart problems..Hiro always tried to be strong. Always smiling and never giving up. Anything to make sure his mother was never sad, and gave up.

Hiro tried many different hobbies and talents, anything that could possibly lead to him and his mother getting at least some form of good shelter and a good meal. From Competitive Gaming, only to lose to Akira Odashi himself multiple times. He even moved onto skating, but even so. Beaten by a boy, Neku Osaka each and everytime. Everytime he tried anything, he was beaten hard into the ground and left to his own tears and ambition to just be stronger and better than everyone.

Consistently having to lie to his mother that he was ok, Hiro just desperately wanted to help. To make some kind of impact for him and his mother. Eventually, he got into the field of music and was inspired by a certain Ultimate DJ. Shizuka Nasu. After hearing many of his tracks, Hiro felt a spark of inspiration. He wanted to try his hand at DJ.

At only the age of 11, Hiro was climbing in the ranks as a DJ artist. Mixing multiple tracks together, and performing his music at multiple small community events. Eventually, he got signed into a record holder deal, and started making albums. Small at first, but in time he got better and better. Selling millions upon millions of Albums and becoming a millionaire, and being able to give his mother everything she could ever want.

All that though was nothing compared to the incredible gift that was coming. An opportunity at the most incredible school in the country of Japan. A letter. To Hopes Peak Academy. Hiro was forced to say his goodbyes to his mother, especially for this big trip to an incredible chance to grow even bigger, and go one place. Up. She had plenty of money to keep her afloat now, and multiple sales and revenue from his albums

However, in a place like this? The up part might become a bit literal, or maybe not at all. Maybe he might just sink back down. One thing was certain however. He would not, and will not accept failure.

(Important sidenote: I do own Akira and Neku, but Shizuka IS NOT MINE. Shizuka belongs to the writer of Chem Lab, I just used him as reference for Hiros character since I was given permission to reference the cast. As I've done with Amy and soon Masahira in Road to Hell. Go check out Chem Lab btw, ITS FUCKING GOOD)

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