Chapter 13: Stitched Rhythms

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Entering the Trial Room, 16 Podiums stood in a circle with a throne in the very back where Monotusk would sit. Beside his throne on the left and right were the same masked guards from the opening ceremony. With those creepy masks and smiles, that rang through their minds.

"So, students." Monotusk began. "Make your way to your marked Podiums, and let's begin this trial, for Hiro Katzune the Ultimate DJ. A shame he was the first to bite the dust, but what a wonderful first case this will make."

Making their ways to their podiums, Mayu especially took a look around at the trial room itself and the layout. The ride down was nothing but glass walls, and a more solidified reason to prove they were underwater. The room being a cylinder like shape, with doors behind each of their podiums. The walls being a thick glass of what was outside, with more fish about swimming as if nothing was wrong. The floors being a Monochrome like color with exquisite detail and design.

Looking outside, there seemed to be an extension to other rooms from behind each person. Standing in one podium was a frame of Hiro, with smeared paint of sorts showing Musical Notes.

"So, this is the trial room?" Kiryu asked bluntly, as Kaeo interrupted. "Well, where do we begin exactly?"

"Better question." Abbey spoke. "What's with the portrait of Hiro there? It's a bit...Chilling honestly."

"Perhaps as a means to keep his spirit alive?" Luna asked. "The thought is sweet, but the nature of it is sinister if I'm honest."

"Correct, Dear Luna. After all, friendship does surpass deaths barriers does it not? You'd know perfectly!" Monotusk snarked, as Luna paid no mind.

"This all said, I think I know a perfect place to start. We know of the Cause of death, correct?" Oliver asked, as everyone nodded.

"The Slice to the heart, yes." Abbey said. "So, since we know that. Where do we begin from there?"

"Perhaps we could begin with how this all started?" Trinity asked. "I can safely say Mayu, Abbey, myself, Aurora, and Luna are safe. Not to mention, I don't think Leif and Kaeo would've done this. Granted, they were together the entire time, yes?"

"I can absolutely vouch for that." Leif spoke. "However, I would like to mention Amelia came to us telling us she was having a diabetic attack."

"But was she really?" Kiryu snapped back. "Shes lied about countless things here so far. Anyone could say they have a certain medical condition just to easily get away with something. That's the real world nowadays anyway."

"That's...a rather harsh judgement." Balhika spoke directly.

"Well, now hold on." Mayu spoke. "I believe she was lying too."

"Ehh?!" Amelia shouted.

"Yeah, it..doesn't seem out of the realm of possibilities for her to lie." BeeBee shrugged. "If she was telling the truth, wouldn't she be more messed up than she already is?"

"Trinity, if I may ask..." Jasmine spoke. "You mentioned a thing of your makeup was missing from your dorm, correct? A piece that could make the face pale?"

"Well, yes actually I did." Trinity spoke.

"This may be rude to ask, Trinity." Mayu said. "But do you carry your makeup kit on you?"

"Actually, yes. A girl always has to look her best in almost any occasion. Here you go, sugar." Trinity spoke, passing the makeup kit down to Mayu.

"Alright. So!" Mayu began. "Oliver, if you'd do the honors of taking this makeup sponge and rubbing Amelias face with it, it could prove one of our first bits of evidence for this case."

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