Chapter 6: The Game Begins Again

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Mayu and Oliver slowly made their ways to the Auditorium, taking in the surroundings bit by bit, and Mayu feeling more anxious with each step.

"Is it bad for me to say I've got a very bad feeling?" Mayu asked, as Oliver looked to her. "How bad are we talking?" Oliver asked, as Mayu shook her head. "N-Nothing. I just..I sense somethings gonna go very wrong moment we step inside."

Oliver took a sigh as he rubbed his hand up, reaching for Eppis head and giving small pets. "You know, when I'm nervous? Petting Eppi helps a lot. Knowing I got this little guy relying on me, and how I can always count on his little happy squeaks to give me a smile from me petting him? What about you?"

"H-Huh?" Mayu asked. "Oh! I-I use a stress ball when I'm nervous. It's...easy for me given my family and it's background anyways. I'd..rather not bore you with the details."

"Nonsense! If there's ever a point you wanna talk about it after we handle whatever's going on? Feel free!" Oliver said enthusiastically, as Mayu felt a sense of shock come over her from the kind words.

Soon after, they finally approached a double door entrance and as they got inside. They weren't expecting what they saw to be unfolding.

Within the Auditorium, there were rows upon rows of seats amongst the left and right sides, with a surprisingly spacious center. A red carpet covering the entire floor, with rather fancy theatre quality seats. On the stage, silk bright red curtains to the sides with a Podium in the center, and not much seen in the back. Red Velvet walls to match, with colorful decorations across the walls.

Around the Center of the path however, everyone was gathered together that Mayu had met, but now...One new face.

"Listen, Dante, was it?" A strange mint hair boy said. "If you want a pair of nuts in your mouth, eat a snickers bar. I hear they're mighty delicious!"

"I think the only delicious thing I'm seeing in this room, is your minty hair lookin self. Tell me, if I eat you out. Are you as sweet inside as you are out?" Dante asked, biting his lip.

"I-I'm sorry, What is he insinuating?!" Hiro asked in shock.

"Something you really shouldn't be asking questions about." Jasmine spoke.

"What does it mean to eat...someone out?" Aiden asked curiously. "Isn't that cannibawism?"

"Actually, my dear's called cannibalism and it is in fact shunned upon in most societies." The Mint hair boy said. "As a wise man once said best."

The boy then looked over to Mayu and Oliver. "Oh how nice, we have more people here it seems. This makes...15 of us, wasn't there one more apparently?"

"Yeah, that strange conspiracy theory girl still isn't here." Abbey spoke.

The mint hair boy rolled his one eye while the other jiggled around. "Well, to the newest patrons here. Let me introduce myself. I'm Balhika Taneshi, the Ultimate Candymaker. Pleasure to meet you."

Balhika seemed to have rather fancy clothing of sorts, with a mint tint to his hair. He seemed to be dressed rather fancy, wearing what looked like a nice vest of sorts, one side being Lime and the other side Cherry. A Pink Lemonade shirt, with a Caramel Bowtie, Blueberry colored sleeves, Licorice colored gloves, and Dark Grape pants. However, what Mayu took notice of especially was his eyes. One was regular but looked like a Peppermint color contact was over it, and the other was a Glass eye of sorts, with a Peppermint for the Pupil. This worried Mayu, yet..left her asking.

"Umm...Excuse me if the questions inappropriate, but. Your eye." Mayu spoke. "Is it a Glass eye?"

"Hmm?" Balhika asked. "Oh, you mean this old thing. Factory accident sadly. Poked my damn eye out, after an accident that nearly went to my brain and killed me."

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