Chapter 49: Our Final Moments

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Gathering into their Podiums, the remaining six stood and looked around them at the multiple podiums filled with portraits of those they had lost in this sick game. Monotusk going and taking his spot right on his throne, as he began to laugh.

"My my, were truly here again for another trial, and potentially one of the last few before two are left in this game!" Monotusk chuckled, as Kiryu pointed something out.

"Question, where exactly are those guards of yours?" Kiryu asked directly, as Monotusk looked around. "Oh, theyre around and ready to shoot for reasons I wont say. Now then! Lets begin shall we?"

"Where should we begin?" Leif asked. "As much as I hate to admit it, this case is quite complicated."

"Unfortunately, thats only fair to say." Balhika shrugged. "If I recall, everyone has solid Alibis. However, how can we know?"

"Then lets begin with Amelias murder." Mayu spoke up. "She was killed with a Meat Hook, right?"

"Correct." Luna spoke. "The Hook pierced her in multiple areas, with the stomach being slit open in the process. As for the Killing Blow, I cant be sure. It seems she merely bled out from all the slashes."

"Well, that answers that." Kiryu spoke up. "Now, as for her tablet that was found at the crime scene, it was shattered as well. Something tells me the Killer broke it in case she attempted to ask people for help. Though, given how she was..Most of us would presume she was lying."

"W-Why was Mayu in the Freezer though?" Aiden asked. "That..would be a very important thing to discuss, right?"

"Well, hes not wrong there." Balhika mentioned. "Since we have determined the cause of death, however...Maybe figuring that out too would be good as well."

"Then, what do we-" Mayu was interuppted.

"Its completely possible Mayu couldve went to the Meat Freezer, grabbed a Meat Hook to murder Amelia, and then go directly back to the Meat Freezer and accidentally locked herself inside." Balhika suggested.

'....Really?' Mayu thought to herself.

"I disagree. That would be a complete self sabotage, plus..She may have hated Amelia but she doesnt have a single desire to murder. I can tell especially in her case." Kiryu adjusted his glasses. "To be blunt, she hasnt a murderous bone in that empathetic body of hers."

"I- think that was a compliment, so thanks?" Mayu chuckled nervously. "Anyway, its true. I did see Amelia moments before she died. We mentioned ideas of who the Mastermind was, but..beforehand, she pulled a gun on me and threatened to shoot me."

"Well, one could say she went to the Meat Freezer prior to that and then followed Amelia in." Balhika began. "From there, she mustve attacked in self defense. Would make sense, no?"

"Ok, but if she HAD attacked me in self defense." Mayu fired back. "Then wouldnt she have used the Gun in her Lab? A Bullet would be missing, but as far as I saw? There was no bullets missing from the Chamber."

"As far as you saw? If I remember correctly..A bullet was in fact missing, Mayu." Balhika fired back, as Mayu froze up. Kiryu adjusting his glasses, spoke up. "Its true. We checked the Gun and well..There was a Bullet missing."

"That-That doesnt make sense!" Mayu shouted. "I didnt attack her, nor did I kill her! She told me to come along to her Lab, threatened to kill me and everyone else and I-"

Mayu began to become panicked, more and more feeling the world completely blur around her once more. Her chest heaving as she desperately gasped for air.

"Lets face it, Mayu." Balhika sighed. "You had the most motive out of us all to-"

"Then explain why my tablet was broken." Mayu bluntly spoke, staring directly at Balhika. "If somehow I killed her, then explain to me why I would so stupidly break my own tablet. Perhaps even the wound on my neck?"

Extraordinary Minds: Abysses UnknownOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz