Epilogue: See You Soon

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5 months had passed since Mayus Killing Game had finally come to a close, and life was beginning to go back to normal as before, but with police more on the lookout in regards to potential missing peoples.

Amongst the other survivors, they began their own journeys of future self discovery of themselves and the passion they once held for their talents.

Beginning with Luna, the Ultimate Mortician. Luna had finally been back in the funeral home in which she worked. Hearing the sounds of new interns awaiting, and her boss excited as ever to see her return.

"Ahh, Luna! Its so good to see you alive!" Boss said, giving Luna a tight hug as Luna gave a friendly hug back.

"Its good to see you too." Luna spoke calmly. "If..Its alright though, may I..speak to you? About something? Jeff as well if hes-"

"Oh. Ahh..Luna, about that." Boss spoke up as he sat down. "Hes not. Dead. Or..we dont know if he is or not, but."

"Hes missing?" Luna asked. "Dammit..Do you know exactly what happened to him?!"

"..Aside from getting an invitation to another school and then never returning, much like you?" Boss said reluctantly as Lunas eyes widened. "..Hes in another Killing Game too, isnt he?"

"...Oh shit." Boss spoke up, as Luna sighed. "Look, I..Came in today to advise I may not be able to work as much. Particularly two reasons. One is to find the person who is responsible for these Killing Games I became apart of, and two..Well."

She seemed hesitant to speak. Luna being unable to tell what was on her mind, and not able to find the words she wanted. How could she look her boss in the eyes, and tell him honestly.

"Luna?" Boss asked, as Luna shook her head. "I was hesitant to tell you this, but..Id..also like to take more time to myself. Without losing my Ultimate title of course."

"Of course!" Boss exclaimed. "I swear you wont lose your title by any means. May I just ask though. What really made you decide that? Before, you used to be so silent and reclused. Always focused on work more than anything."

"Ahh. I suppose time has really changed me, hasnt it?" She chuckled to herself. "Well, its..more so because of someone I met during my game. Someone who saw more to me, and. Not once judged. Instead, stood by and saw the ugly sides of me. The good as well. It began to make me wonder and contemplate what reason specifically I hyper fixated toward the concept of death. When I once told myself I was better alone, she showed me that deep down. I yearned so deeply for companionship..For..A spark. She showed me what it meant to have a peaceful death, with no burdens. No worries..And the secret was, to just live. Live in the moment..And look to whatever awaits me in the future."

"Damn. She sounds like quite the person. Hey, Luna? Im glad to see you opening yourself up again like that, especially after.."

"Your son, Akihito. Yes. ...He is someone I will forever keep close to me. One of my very first friends, and the only person I chose this talent for. Now that Ive come as far as I have, and..witnessed as much death as I have, I figure. Its time to live. Its what he wouldve wanted, and..What Abbey wouldve wanted as well."

"I agree there with ya." Boss said, with a smile as he walked over to Luna. "Well, listen. If you need my services by any means for your investigation findin the shithead who put you and Jeff in these..Killing Games? Im happy to help."

"Thank you, ever so much." Luna said, bowing as a sign of thank you as she left. Placing her earbuds into her ears, she popped open her umbrella and began walking down the street. The sounds of rain peacefully glistening against her umbrella and all around, as she took in the air of knowing like her other friends. She was free. Yet..she felt a sense of emptiness.

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